
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Thursday, February 28, 2019

02-28-2019 How could I possibly contribute to Viagra's lab-testing?

Heard about doubts how could I possibly contribute to lab testing? The doubts obviously from the fact I have very bony lousy hands which means no good at all in lab testing.

I heard this doubt is related to some Viagra related lab testing. Well, I have to say the lab testing can occur into my mind may purely because the basic "if... else..." training as a computer programmer. I don't remember if I did contribute but I can try to illustrate if I can.

Since I was mentioning about my understanding of human reproductive function on a June Sunday in 2004, well, of course, "if that thought can be helpful, what else need to be in consideration to ensure this 'application' to be fully successful?" is a computer programmer's thinking-route.

So, as an FDA-equivalent institute's former apprentice member of Health Department organized pharmaceutical industry's yearly Inspection group, and in a coercive tone that I learned from those health department's Inspectors, the thoughts might have been "you are saying this can improve male-sexuality? how effective can you define this improvement? and how stable this effectiveness can be? Is it still 'no one knows if it is the beauty or the wine' effective? And what will be the effectiveness comparison objectives? I need all these."

So, it would be how to define the effectiveness of this improvement, how to define stability (or effective scope), and what should be the test objectives are what I might have been contributed to lab testing.

----Feb, 28th, 2019

I heard I had been a quick learner of the coercive leader style who having this authoritative deep in-tone but easy apprentice appearance in pharmaceutical industry Inspecting related work experience, may be the reason I was criticized heavily by the former colleagues if I can be a person having any academic achievement even after I changed my profession to technology. I heard pharmaceutical industry personnel can easily relate me as one of the health department's Inspectors, but relate some former colleagues, if on Inspecting assignments, to own quality in-house assurance departments.

Also, I got the following test score from my MBA graduating critical thinking test, it seems I need to have the law education to improve, such an LSAT baseline score.

----Feb, 28th, 2019

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

02-26-2019 南京方面的矛盾 (16)-- 南师大附中,广播剧矛盾,及唐太宗李世民的继承人

Heard the anger that I have cash money with me but refuse to pay what I should and live comfortably.
My answer: I have been helped by laws to have a compromised thrift but not miserable living. I have been in a legal situation that I can't receive my lawful incomes is the reason I don't have a lot of money. Paying bills have been huge spending that can make my life very miserable.

----Feb. 26th, 2019













Sunday, February 24, 2019

02-24-2019 What possibly "I am surrounded by the same school graduated" means?( “我的一切都被同一个学校毕业的给包围了“究竟可能是什么意思啊?)

It may mean they are illegally privileged to block any financial payment to me.

The saying I heard is "This blocking effort is all about laws, not about if friendly or not."

If so, I need to ask the following questions:

1: Which part of the process of transmitting money payment to me is unlawful?

2: Is my name, or my SSN(ID), or my contact address unlawful? 
If all information about me which include my name, my SSN(ID), my legal status and my contact address are all lawfully correct, why it is forbidden to transmit money into my name related any financial account?

3: If it is not the transmitting money into my name account is illegal but the money itself, I must ask the question how you can verify if that is lawful nor not money being transferred to me?
Being a non-financial nor legal department employed personnel, how do you have the means to verify the lawfulness of the money being transmitted to my name account?

4: If you don't have the money lawfulness-verification capability, how do you have such privileged power to delete and/or change the money's lawful transmitting purpose to change money's lawful ownership?

5: If this is all about precaution in blocking payment to me because you thought it is never my money.
I have to ask according to exact what law this precaution, which includes delete payment and/or transfer out (not reject) money, can be authorized as lawful action? And why a regular employee can't do such a job but need specially recruit the same school graduated? 

It is all about laws which precisely is the reason I called law enforcement's help. 

It is imaginable how it has been in Boston where I am a resident of when all have such power to smear about me waiting for my living expenses payments. It may have started- off amicably, but now it is all so-despised, disgusted, and hate, nothing else. 

I, Min Fang, refuse to be a victim of such.

----Feb. 24th, 2019













Saturday, February 23, 2019

02-23-2019 南京方面的矛盾 (15)-- 南师大附中,高考,和大学时的学习能力












Wednesday, February 20, 2019

02-22- 2019 The reason for an attending phenomenon on July 1st of 2004 (2004年7月1日那天为何那么多的政府参与电讯会议?)

02-22- 2019 The reason for an attending phenomenon on July 1st of 2004 (2004年7月1日那天为何那么多的政府参与电讯会议?) 

Heard a lot confused, if it was my entrusting related meeting, why so many public officials were presented on July 1st of 2004's teleconference?
My answer: That was because it was the day right after June 30th's revolutionary talk about the invention of smartphones, also it was also the mid-term election time when economic development was very important topics to the running Republic party. A lot of conversations were about international economic development as well might be the reasons for worldwide governments' participation.

I was impressed on June 30th already right after finishing smartphones' related conversation, tons of people, who may have been informed by their associated, had "phoned me" asking if there are other investments opportunities because the smartphone-related were all overcrowded already. So many people feel so bad so they eagerly helped out by asking if there can be more ideas to create more investment opportunities? The next day which was July 1st, one can really use "people mountain people sea" to describe the teleconference attending phenomenon.

I got a lot of luck that day as well that I earned a lot of intellectual rewards from all those economic development related conversations. If some say that I should return the favor of opportunity granting from those public officials, I say the huge tax-incomes and job opportunities created for economic development have been all they have been working hard for, which should have been what drive them to serve the public as well.

It has been rumored in Chinese communities abroad that 1989's Student movement related teleconference was the reason I could have such opportunity to be such privileged by the U.S. government, this blog article is the clarification of such rumors. The entire teleconference on July 1st of 2004 was all economic-centric and related.

----Feb 22nd, 2019






Heard tons of rumor that it is understood as my own willingness to watch others take over my money.

My answer: This has been ridiculous rumors the entire time.

This rumor started since July 1st of 2004. It was a conversation that I was asked what else I would like to spend on my money, I said I am a business person that believe in making customers favorable products as long as it is a fair competition that regulated by laws, and I came from China that I enjoyed the United States lawful governing very much that I would be willing to encourage to make it even better.

I heard rumors that my complaints about I can't receive intellectual reward payment and living expenses payments are all related to the hypothesis that "this is a distribution channel market that refusal of distributing is the power" that no one can do anything about, especially those payments from Trusts are all strictly to be through fixed distributing channels. And any financial loss should be understood as my own willingness to be sacrificed to improve related laws, which is an untrue statement. Plus, any such things are possibly violating criminal laws.

I was willing to encourage to improve laws, but it does not mean to encourage to take advantage of the weakness of laws which normally are understood as "should be convicted as guilty if intended to take advantage of".

So, I refuse to be a victim. And I know I have been protected by laws already.

----Feb, 20th, 2019, updated on Feb 22nd, 2019

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

02-19-2019 Who owns Ingonyama entitlement?

I own the Ingonyama entitlement from the legendary of 1000 years long 

Heard the confusion if I am an Ingonyama for real? The confusion is because of an African lady, currently live in the United States as well) has been the one handsomely provided for by the Ingonyama Fund since 2001 or 2007.

I also heard she is the same African lady that had stated the difference between her and me in 2017 that she came from the "Ingonyama" King of 500 years ago and the Ingonyama title has been a legendary was the reason of her grandfather's inauguration, and I, the heir female palm, inherited the Ingonyama legendary title in 2004 as part of the Trust-Inheriting from my birth Ancient Chinese Imperial family..

I am the female palm because I carry family heir birthmark on both of my palms, and I am the only heir girl since, maybe, 2500 years ago is the reason I received a lot of gifts from my Emperor grandfathers who normally gift their favorite people with money, entitlement, and beauty.  Being their heir girl, my Emperor grandfathers had each entitled me an Emperor title, not their own in-use title which should be my next generation grandfather, as well as their heir sons, to inherit, but an equivalent new entitlement as a gift to state I am their heir girl. This is how I got my Ingonyama title.

I  have been provided for the two Trusts set up by Ingonyama heir son "Simba" and "Simba's son" which I call my fourth and fifth year's providing as their heir "Female Palm" girl with entitlement from each as well which I will announce once I heard of them.

I have not received this Ingonyama entitled grandfather's providing is the confusion of Ingonyama Fund, but I am the beneficiary person of a Trust who has limited knowledge on all these financial historical matters. All I know is I inherited an ancient Trust from an ancient Emperor grandfather who gifted me with money and Ingonyama entitlement, and I heard both Simba's Trust and Simba's son's Trusts I have been provided-for are been verified for over 600 years old according to the commercial registration laws. I think my entrusting attorneys will work on clarify further confusions if there is any.

related column ariticles: My Inheriting related confusion

----Feb. 19th, 2019

Monday, February 18, 2019

02-18-2019 Whose $400Million a year? How to know?

Heard about this confusion of "who's paying for this $400Million a year".

1: How any American rich can be so confused if they are in the same American business society and running some American business as well?
My answer: My Trusts' investment as a Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) who came to America with their investors' own government-convoys and armed with Musketeers as pioneers at America's colonial time which was about 400 years ago. That is the reason why some in-confusing companies were initially registered with their investor companies' own governments' convoys, till the 1776's registration to the United States' government.

Because of the difference in each's starting-up years, some of my Trusts' investments have complete different associated supplying and financing associates that completely not associated with those confused rich men's family wealth's investments. The difference is the same as Military hospital groups, the commercial hospital chains,  and some international goodwill hospital groups, all are completely not associated with each other even running in the same local areas.

----Feb. 18th, 2019

2: The real $400Million recipient is a Hispanic female whose middle name is "Min", and the last name is "Fone".
My answer:
I have no idea how the payment-instruction letter has used Fone as the last name unless that is a typo which can be easily verified. And I don't know if this is the same $400Million payment that I mentioned as yearly providing on my web blog.

Those five Trusts I have inherited were all set up before I was born so that all used my family nickname "Female Palms" with clear specification of who this girl should be. I used "Min Fang" as my name since July 1967 which was shortly after my birth. $400Million payment a year for the past five years from my inherited Trusts are all identity-sensitive, not the last name's spelling-sensitive.

----Feb. 18th, 2019

3: How to verify if this is some rich men's money that was announced so loudly never intend to give me?
My answer:  Very easily: The paying company's internal "stock certificate registration record" and government commerce department's commercial company registration record.

  • From the $400Million's payment check's instructional legal payment letter, check the paying investor's information, or from one's own stock certificate to check if money is from this person's own dividend account.
  • From the government's commercial company registration records to check the investor company's ownership if the paying investor is a company instead of an individual, and so on so forth, till clarified.
----Feb. 18th, 2019

4: If it possibly from any American rich men?
My answer: My inheriting experience has been real and it is impossible for me to expect money from any American rich men.

The problem I have with some confused rich American men is: Some insist that it is impossible that I have my own money trust-inherited from my birth Chinese grandfathers.

Some even insist on to tell around that I could spend their money by not asking them, not contacting them, not telling anyone to collect money from them, and not has any money on me or being expected that should be from their own bank accounts.

----Feb. 18th, 2019

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

02-12-2019 How to know if I am a say-er or a do-er in research or in MBA?

Heard about arguments how any project-outsider can evaluate if my achievement is authentic? I also have this wondering why academic evaluation need to be conducted by some political grassroots movement? What should be the expectation for the general public's participation in any scientific academic level evaluation? even if this is money sensitive evaluation for the intellectual incomes?

So, I have formed this question for everybody: Why the General Public should be expected to have the evaluation power without professional knowledge and professional experiences?

----Feb. 12th, 2019

Also, I heard a lot of people who visited my MBA blog has some doubts about me.

1: If I exaggerated as a say-er for who I am but not really a doer leader at all? 
My response: That post is the resume of how I assess myself if I am eligible to be its leader, the if-doer assessment is actually the organization assessment which is my MBA capstone project that I am learning to do for the same organization, which is to assess the organization for its overall goodness and challenges to decide if I should propose myself as its doer leader.

2: How could I come up such leadership PPT based on those five or six leadership articles?
My response: In research, once a project's frame is shaping up nicely by the research, another important part is to fill in missing links for evidence support and theoretical relate, which is similar to smoothness required between paragraphs in articulation or literature. So, when it is a resume type of leadership representation, more supporting evidence is needed to integrate the entire PPT as one piece of a leader for a specific organization. That PPT is how I filled in missing links of evidence support and theoretical relates to make it an assessment of myself for the leadership eligibility of this specific organization. I like its PPT format a lot because it focuses on research links for evidence support and theoretical relates, but less stressful in making it literature smooth as well, which is more ideally for my immigrant technology background.

3: What MBA concentration I enrolled in that highlights leadership capability?
My response:
From my MBA graduation reflective essay: "When I applied for MBA education, I was interviewed about why I want to have an MBA and what will be my concentration, I said I want to know how I can start my own business, I want to learn where to start if I walk into a for-rent space. The concentration program I enrolled in is General Administration(常务管理)".

After this leadership course MBA513 and the current capstone course I am learning, which need to use all that I have learned in MBA education to conduct assessment for myself and for the organization, "I have the confidence that I have learned knowledge that enables me to lead an organization to face its challenges, or to start a small own business(reflective essay)".

4: Do I realize MBA educated leadership is a calculating & analyzing job as well, not just an articulating job?
My response: Well, I have a Master degree and the hands-on experiences as a good computer programmer which is a doer profession based on computation, a science of calculation and measurement, that I don't think I need to prove that I can also do mathematics financially. My understanding of mathetics in finance is that I need to learn those formulas' theory background and applicable range to know how to use formulas in financial analyzing, which we have some homework assignment for learning and practicing purpose already. But, I have no problem to post a very simple mathematic financial analysis I did in school's MBA573 discussion post. It is investor interesting calculation regarding the required rate of return and stock purchase return:

----------------posted on Sept 9, 2018, on school's discussion blackboard ------------------
The CAPM formula for Rate of required return is: 

Rate of required return Rr=R+ [Beta *(RM - R)] ;
The formula of Rate of total return is: Rate of total return  R= (C+ Pt+1 - Pt )/Pt;
In deciding dividend, the best decision is Rr <= Rt;;
R+ [Beta *(RM - R)]  <= (C+ Pt+1 - Pt )/Pt ;
R+ [Beta *(RM - R)]  <= (C/Pt ) + ( Pt+1 /Pt )  - 1 ;
If Pt+1 >= Pt is intended,  then( Pt+1 / P) - 1>0;
Then, R+ [Beta *(RM - R)]  < C/ Pt;
then R+ [Beta *(RM - R)]  < C/ Pt+1
If an increase in both the total rate of return and stock price is the purpose,
then, R+ [Beta *(RM - R)]  < C/ Pt+1 ; (from above)
then, Rate of required return < Yearly dividend per share/Pt+1;

then, Cost of Capital < Yearly dividend per share/Pt+1;
then, Cost of Capital < Net profit per share /Pt +1 – Retained earnings per share/Pt +1;

then, Retained earnings per share/Pt +1 < Net profit per share /Pt +1 – Cost of Capital;
then,  Retained earnings per share <Net Profit per share -Cost of Capital * Pt+1;
1: When (Yearly dividend per share/ Intended Stock price Pt+1  ) > rate of required return Rr, the dividend level is good for both the stock price and Total rate of return.
2: To have an increase in both stock price and rate of total return, Retained earnings per share need to be smaller than the difference between net profit per share and Cost of capital * Intended Stock price Pt+1.
-----------------------------------------The End -------------------------------------------------

----Feb. 12th, 2019

Friday, February 8, 2019

02-08-2019 南京方面的矛盾 (14)-- 我不是南师大附中85届2班的同学



















Tuesday, February 5, 2019

02-05-2019 我的亲朋送礼计划 (16) ---- My online gifting idea -- 《亲朋礼相关的困扰》

About the rumor regarding my undergraduate diploma.
My response: I heard the rumor was sparked by an announcement that the Chinese Education Department decided to revoke my undergraduate diploma on the radio. But I also heard that announcement was made by a Mr. Ding who was never employed by the Chinese Education Department but a son of my grandfather's former private assistant Mr. Ding. Came from Shanghai, he has a job in the affiliated company of the Chinese Education Department in Beijing since 1984.

It has been so ridiculous all this time how it has circled around in the Chinese community abroad. The truth is,  a graduation diploma can only be evaluated and granted by the academic professor committee assigned by the college, never grantable nor revokable by the Educational Department.  An employee from the Education Department would certainly know this.

12-05-2018 I graduated from Shanghai Medical University with a diploma and a BS degree, both were never revoked (我方敏的上海医科大学本科毕业证书和学士学位证书一直有效)

----Feb. 5th, 2019



12-05-2018 I graduated from Shanghai Medical University with a diploma and a BS degree, both were never revoked (我方敏的上海医科大学本科毕业证书和学士学位证书一直有效)








Sunday, February 3, 2019

02-03-2019 Intellectual Income related explanation

1: Ingonyama title is in the local language, but I came from China?
My response: There are two possibilities for how I got this entitlement officially on June 30th of 2004.
1) I received the original entitlement, given by my ancient Emperor grandfather in Chinese, together with my Trust-Inheriting, Ingonyama its translation in the local language, or
2) this is the entitlement of my ancient grandfather's that I inherited together with the my Trust-Inheriting as the direct-beneficiary-heir of the entitled ancient grandfather of mine.
----Feb. 3rd, 2019

2: Even if I was a very good computer programmer who learned macroeconomy, how could I be impressed as good at financial risk management? 
My response: A common practice in computer programming is error & exceptional handling for programming or run-time situations, the better in programming practices, the less chances a software will behave weirdly in the office or home usage, which means less user-panics for "I didn't do anything, it went dark and I can't bring it up" or "I can't find my files anywhere, I was just trying to check some spellings, where is my file folder now?", etc.  All these reasons for possible panic, anxiety, etc. are called financial risks in sciences related to the economy or finance. Of course, it helps a computer programmer to understand risk management if this error &exceptional handling concepts can be borrowed into financial related analyzing, Plus, I was a computer programmer specialized in computer security who was very sensitive about network-hacking.
----Feb. 3rd, 2019

3: How can I make so many intellectual incomes by "just a couple of lines" ideas?
My response: Well, it is well-known that nobody believes that I can finish the CDSA-secure data-transfer project and the no-password-login project in less than total 4 years time, and nobody believes I can know so much about computer's operating system to contribute in revolutionary smartphone invention, but I did these two projects, every second and from start to finish, right in the office and in front of everyone in the office, which was verified minute-by-minute during the project-evaluation.

How this related to the question? It means I must have saved a lot of time in wondering for "what's the next hypothesis?" in that research, either because I have been talented on this, or because I may have learned something about it during the research process. And a lot of times, a good hypothesis is the critical reason for a successful project, which may be the reason that those of my "just a couple of lines" ideas have been valuable-ly helpful and appreciate-ly recognized.
----Feb. 3rd, 2019

4: A lot asked why the evaluating group can value "less" my intellectual contribution by compensating other research personnel, such as the story of Viagra's clinical research team?
My response:  The evaluation is the combined result of the academic value plus the years of service in the research team. My contribution was evaluated "less" because of the lack of service years in the research team.

Also, my contribution was the budget saving to the lab research and early-starting of the clinical research, so my contribution story has the episode that I was not welcomed by the lab-research team but so welcomed by the clinical research team.
----Feb. 3rd, 2019

Friday, February 1, 2019

02-01-2019 南京方面的矛盾 (12-A)--- 南师大附中校友的海外名作篇






3: 都知道只要警察不管,想怎么拿钱从那里拿钱都可以。所以,"只要你可以说确保警察是不会管的其实是个计谋是个策略,你就可以随便拿钱了,你还可以派个警察持枪站在银行外面都可以,只要就是不管就得”。 还很确定,要是这么做,什么事都不会有的。(据说这不是南京的师大附中校友的海外作品,而是外地的一个师大附中的校友的作品。)







1: 我曾曾祖父方治兴是在1910年左右去世的,曾祖父方励其是在1930年去世,我爷爷方智仁1910年尚未出生,1930年尚未结婚,我父亲方文海1930时也还没生出来,我1930年时也是还没生出来。为何还会有”如果是父亲方文海继承财产“这个疑问?




爸爸,有关爷爷为什么1965年一分钱都没给你, 我听说的是:


2: 1957-1958年奶奶去世前的住院期间,丁姓私人助理又再次强调此要求。奶奶就此和爷爷有过澄清,就是奶奶从未答应认养丁姓私人助理的妻子已育的孩子。


我听说爷爷当时很难过,又没法查实,所以爷爷在1965年对此的回答及处理办法是:爷爷表态他本人从来不缺女人也从未需要过奶奶的子宫,如果早知奶奶一直如此不堪,他本人早就已经离婚了。爷爷表态他最多就是会支付奶奶的子宫孕育爸爸的那10个月的子宫费,这个子宫费付清后,爸爸及爸爸今后所育子女就和奶奶的子宫永远没有任何关系了, 也和“究竟1949年以后奶奶的子宫应该算是谁的”这个疑问也永远没有任何关系了。所以爷爷就把爷爷准备给爸爸的一份遗产(2万多元钱)给了丁姓私人助理。爷爷也是按照原计划将其遗产分配给了他的其他三名子女。

4: 就我所知,其他三名子女也应该是爷爷亲生子女。我本人对于丁姓私人助理子女要求按(认养)婚生子女身份平分财产(即我2004年承诺给爸爸弟妹的礼物)的回应也是“只要奶奶的子宫入口没在他们嘴里舔着, 我就是不会理睬他们”。(我是基于估计,如果我不说舔着,他们就会天天谈着。)
