Heard this morning's featured broadcasting clarified something associated with my personal life.
My response: I repeat what I heard this morning and before. A 41 years old Jessica is David Petraeus' wedded wife since 2007 and his bed occupier daily. The wedding was performed with the participation of Holly Knowlton who is the wife published on David Petraeus introduction web page.
I never had any agreement or attempted agreement with any Jessica or his any other romantic partner to cover their romance to let myself being abused as "Who the fxxx do you think you are." I never had this kind discussion or attempted discussion to hide his non-Knowlton-romance before 2004, in 2004 or after 2004. The only similar discussion was with the condition " if he choose to be with me" after planned 8-10 years from July of 2004. I do not owe any debt to 60 years old Holly Knowtlon or a 41 years old Jessica (Holly) Pejoves or a 47 years old Jessica Lissette because of 2004 meetings.
As his wife Jessica Petraeus (Jessica Pejoves) and David Petraeus publicly announced and as all his closely associated privately expressed everywhere, I (Min Fang) have no sexual or legal association with them to be confused as "who the fxxx do you think you are" mutually.
I do not know why David Petraeus paid for my security expense till end of 2004 as agreed upon even he moved on in 2007. I, Min Fang, do not know if this paying is beyond legally appropriately after 2007, but I did ask my accountant(s) to pay back every penny he paid for security fee in early 2015. I, Min Fang, do not assume David Petraeus considered that should still be called my money.
I, Min Fang, state my clarification here: Any David Petraeus' wife or his women's deserved providing are David Petraeus' spending, Any David Petraeus' own wiliness of any deserved financial help is his own money to reach out. It is never, and should never, my questions that who should be his wife or who is his real wife and how he should provide for his proudly announced wife.
My money, rumored $800,000 taken by Jessica and Holly, is his debt to payback and I assumed his paying back, as his father announced on the radio, backed soundly by his father on one-day basis. This $800, 000 is the ground of the joke he made that "I live on him" because of $1000 paying back monthly. Heard planned paying back account numbers is not to resolve my current thrift financial situation but the original source account numbers.
----June 30th, 2017
Heard this morning's Shanghai government's announcement.
My impression: Sounds like there is some money there but no need of my immediately visit to Shanghai. Not sure if that is inheritance related. So I ask my attorneys that Mr. Timothy Geithner (assumed) and Mr. Henry M Paulson (assumed) knows that presenting me and I trust to check if my impression is correct and let me know if that is actually my income that I need to inform General Attorney of Massachusetts. Thanks forward.
----June 30th, 2017
It is a well known doubt if I have money or if I have inherited anything on June 30th of 2004. To myself, as a beneficiary person, the question was what I have inherited. This blog is the diary that recorded this entire discovering journey. Please send me an email at somebodyinma@gmail.com if you think content information is incorrect.
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:
1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?
2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?
3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?
----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019
Featured Articles:
Friday, June 30, 2017
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
06-29-2017 If the ruling announcement is not to imply a lawsuit already
Heard at this minute (7:29AM) a group of people are proudly parading on NYC street.
My comment: They are may grouped by
1: A female Hispanic Jessica who carries a child. She, by rumor, was locked into his bedroom with Tina O'Connor securing the door to FXXX to have this child to parade. My kids were told they are not good enough, if that Jessica could be conceived, by Tina O'Connor right outside that locked door. I tipped FBI after I heard rumor. That is around the day I posted on my web blog stating that I have to take my children from him if this is the true rumor. By the rumor, since that day my my girl has been all agitated. Tina O'Connor hates my children like so and if he is willing to be Tina O'Connor's friend to let this happened to my children are good reasons enough that I file for restrain order to forbid him to visit my children forever. Anyone from his side family who helped this pimped sexual intercourse activities are among those who I sue for all these criminal activities.
Heard this Jessica is not good enough to mother other more prominent name's child is the reason she can be a Ford's mother. Heard the name Jessica is a precious name, not sure if that is still a true statement after I tipped FBI, in entertainment industry because who has this name as birth name deserve to mother prominent names.
2: This Jessica is surrounded by attorneys last named Stephens. They are Tina O'Connor's husband cousins. Some of Tina O'Connor's husband Rick Stephens' third cousins are the attorneys who filed lawsuit which was ruled " no mine own children" as announced this morning. I did not authorize these attorneys to represent me at all and I even did not hear there was a lawsuit filed on my behave already. These attorney Stephens are not even eligible to represent me to file anything regarding my children by huge interest conflicts they impose would be the reason I challenge "if the ruling is based on valid lawsuit".
Tina O'Connor, maybe real named Helen O'Connor as she herself announced on the radio program, has a dating service company by rumor. Not sure if this is how she got into professional whore business like she presented on this radio program. Heard she is currently the only non-radio professional participated on radio program producing.
----June 29th, 2017
06-28-2017 No Chinese citizen can yell at my personal matter 没有中国公民可比划我私人事
Heard this morning's broadcasting about Chinese woman choose to be with a Chinese guy only means a loser herself and my personal life is a living proof of that.(中文附后)
My response: Entire time I am saying this Chinese government organized performance is a whore business advertisement.
If Chinese woman choose to be with Chinese guy is only because she is not a loser, is it should be understood by audience that Chinese guys are losers only according to P. R Chinese citizens?
If I do not choose to be with any Chinese guy only means a prove of this, is that imply I have to have a Chinese guy for fxxx only purpose? Is this further imply a Chinese guy is a pig only fxxx-able?
With my analyze above, with another a Chinese female citizen supported by Chinese government officials insist on "have to have a child with a rich stranger" story that radio program also featured, I got the conclusion this is whore ring business organized activities.
----June 28th, 2017.
Why I screamed why this radio program try to impress audience that United States is a colony to People's Republic of China?
My explanation: As a citizen of United States, as a citizen who is ruled by US laws including Constitution, why my US lawful money can be announced on this radio program as denied by Chinese government officials? Why my personal life can be announced by whoever as long as Chinese government officials stand by them?
Evidence: 1:The fund often confused as O'Connor family wealth. This fund is my lawful money according to British laws and US laws, why my lawful ownership constantly insulted by Chinese government officials on this radio program?
2: Yesterday, my representative attorney announced I have inheritance entrusted 2100 years ago represented by him and his announcement was insulted 2 minutes later by a Chinese government stating "she has no money" on the same episode of the same radio program. Is this to say US attorneys announcement according to US laws means nothing at all as long as insults being supported by Chinese government officials?
3: US marriage conducts are freedom granted by US constitution. Why my personal life constantly insulted by Tina O'Connor's "truly felt" as a US Foreign Department employee as long as she got Chinese government officials supports? I decided to sue her to everything she did in US government employee's name.
My statement: There is no Chinese citizen can yell managing my personal matter including my private romance and my private wealth.
----June 28th, 2017
证明: 1: 常被混淆为O'Connor家财产的那个基金。按照英国和美国的法律,基金就是我方敏财产,为什么我的合法拥有基金事实却经常被中国政府官员通过这个广播剧加以挑衅?
2: 昨天, 我的代表律师宣布我有一笔2100年前的信托由他代理,他的声明2分钟以后就被中国政府官员在同一集广播剧里以“她根本就没钱”进行挑衅。这是不是在说只要有中国政府官员支持挑衅,美国律师根据美国法律发表的声明就只是胡说八道而已?
3:美国的婚姻相关法律体现美国宪法所赋予的自由。为什么我私人生活经常被Tina O'Connor 的一句句“我真的这么认为”来挑衅就只因为她是美国外交部雇员且受到中国政府官员的支持?我已经决定就她以美国政府雇员身份所做的(侵犯我私人合法权益)一切诉诸法律。
My response: Entire time I am saying this Chinese government organized performance is a whore business advertisement.
If Chinese woman choose to be with Chinese guy is only because she is not a loser, is it should be understood by audience that Chinese guys are losers only according to P. R Chinese citizens?
If I do not choose to be with any Chinese guy only means a prove of this, is that imply I have to have a Chinese guy for fxxx only purpose? Is this further imply a Chinese guy is a pig only fxxx-able?
With my analyze above, with another a Chinese female citizen supported by Chinese government officials insist on "have to have a child with a rich stranger" story that radio program also featured, I got the conclusion this is whore ring business organized activities.
----June 28th, 2017.
Why I screamed why this radio program try to impress audience that United States is a colony to People's Republic of China?
My explanation: As a citizen of United States, as a citizen who is ruled by US laws including Constitution, why my US lawful money can be announced on this radio program as denied by Chinese government officials? Why my personal life can be announced by whoever as long as Chinese government officials stand by them?
Evidence: 1:The fund often confused as O'Connor family wealth. This fund is my lawful money according to British laws and US laws, why my lawful ownership constantly insulted by Chinese government officials on this radio program?
2: Yesterday, my representative attorney announced I have inheritance entrusted 2100 years ago represented by him and his announcement was insulted 2 minutes later by a Chinese government stating "she has no money" on the same episode of the same radio program. Is this to say US attorneys announcement according to US laws means nothing at all as long as insults being supported by Chinese government officials?
3: US marriage conducts are freedom granted by US constitution. Why my personal life constantly insulted by Tina O'Connor's "truly felt" as a US Foreign Department employee as long as she got Chinese government officials supports? I decided to sue her to everything she did in US government employee's name.
My statement: There is no Chinese citizen can yell managing my personal matter including my private romance and my private wealth.
----June 28th, 2017
What else to freak you out? 吓死人的婚姻登记
**吵个没停的主题就是1:中国的女公民才是真正有奶有屁股凭什么是你被外国有名有钱的男人给操了,2:凭什么你说你有钱?3:凭什么你说你真实?4:都是会说英语的,凭什么要看事实?5:外交官都是外语学院毕业的,已经说了不相信你懂电脑,你凭什么坚持说你有成就?What else to freak you out? 吓死人的婚姻登记
证明: 1: 常被混淆为O'Connor家财产的那个基金。按照英国和美国的法律,基金就是我方敏财产,为什么我的合法拥有基金事实却经常被中国政府官员通过这个广播剧加以挑衅?
2: 昨天, 我的代表律师宣布我有一笔2100年前的信托由他代理,他的声明2分钟以后就被中国政府官员在同一集广播剧里以“她根本就没钱”进行挑衅。这是不是在说只要有中国政府官员支持挑衅,美国律师根据美国法律发表的声明就只是胡说八道而已?
3:美国的婚姻相关法律体现美国宪法所赋予的自由。为什么我私人生活经常被Tina O'Connor 的一句句“我真的这么认为”来挑衅就只因为她是美国外交部雇员且受到中国政府官员的支持?我已经决定就她以美国政府雇员身份所做的(侵犯我私人合法权益)一切诉诸法律。
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
06-27-2017 Olympic Game -- My Ancient Grandmother?(奥运会--我奶奶?)
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured if I am real and my family history. (中文附后)
I guess: I am the person know "not much" but have full imaginations of my ancient family with history . So let me speculate here as the authentic heir.
2100 years ago, that is Han dynasty in China. I stated my long history family started from East Han Dynasty (25 AD) which was started by a child from Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) that referred as West Han dynasty because its capital-ed in west of nowadays' Shanxi province of China. The starter of West Han Dynasty Liu, Bang was the first grandfather of mine who had his famous palms recorded in history book, his two palms had three horizontal lines matched exactly just the same way mine and my father's palms over 2000 years later. I speculate my grandfathers since him in West Han dynasty were his firstborns like my grandfather, my father and me. But somehow the firstborns were no longer his palms line in the late West Han dynasty was the reason my grandfather Liu, Lu (25 AD) started East Han dynasty and set the family inheritance rule as "Matching Palms Inheritance Rule". Heard what was announced this morning, I am so happy I got something valuable from a grandfather in this historic transition period time.
----June 27th, 2017
Heard this morning's rebroadcasting of 2008 Olympic Games Opening's announcement in Beijing, China " This is the Original source of Olympic Games...".
I speculate: I have a grandmother who was the one and only Empress in Chinese history. She claimed she was the heir of Zhou Dynasty (1027 -211 BC) when she was "Mother of the Emperor" in Tong Dynasty (618-907 AD). I have been puzzled like "how?", She had nephews carried her maiden family name recorded in history books of Tang dynasty, why she was the heir? But I know nothing about if those nephews were from her brothers' or from her cousins and which cousin, etc. Anyway, her one-and-only child who was my another Tang dynasty Emperor grandfather devotedly supported her who made his Emporium called hers of WuZhou(武周) dynasty (690 - 705 AD).
About Zhou dynasty (1027 - 211 BC) that my Empress grandmother claimed she was an heir of. I was not good in history class when I was in school, Zhou dynasty is very "unfamiliar" to me. I had checked online about this grandmother of mine, I read on the internet that her grandfather in Zhou dynasty maybe Wen Emperor (周文王)who maybe the heir son of Zhou dynasty's starter Wu Emperor (周武王). By the way, I have two grandfathers in Han Dynasty are titled Wu Emperor(汉武帝) and GuangWu Emperor (光武帝). Another interesting thing about Zhou dynasty is Emperors of Zhou dynasty are called "Son of Heaven"(天子). This "Son of Heaven" (天子)is the nickname later to refer Emperors in China.
A very interesting in my family that had been broadcast-ed on the radio program was me and my father's "sound sleep". It was recorded in history book that my Empress grandmother also famous for that and she liked to say those naps were her meetings with her grandfather Wen Emperor (周文王 )(”梦周公“)。 It is a famous Chinese phrase later to describe sound sleeps. Now you know how dedicated me and my father have been in these meetings with our grandfather Wen Emperor of Zhou Dynasty.
So I haven't figure out how to speculate the relationship between myself and "Original source of Olympic Games" yet, so I will continue to speculate when I figure this out.
----June 27, 2017
Chinese history Chart (2017) Retrieved from
2100年前的中国是汉朝时期。我所过我家历史是从东汉时期 (25 AD) 开始。东汉是由汉朝皇帝的一个孩子建立的,早期的汉朝因为首都建在现今的陕西省西端常被称为西汉时期。西汉的开国皇帝刘邦是第一个独特掌纹被记入历史书籍的我的爷爷,他双掌的三条横纹完全吻合, 我父亲和我双掌的三条横纹的完全吻合就和2000多年前的爷爷刘邦一模一样。我猜啊,西汉开始时候的头胎儿子都有刘邦的掌纹,像我爷爷,我父亲和我都是头胎兼有掌纹;到后期可能有掌纹的不再是长子了,所以我爷爷刘璐干脆就建了个东汉(挪到现陕西省东边建了个首都),并且明确规定从他开始家里继承规则是“掌纹继承”。今天早上讲的估计就是这段“掌纹和长子”争执时期的一个爷爷特意留了点东西给我,我真是很开兴。
I guess: I am the person know "not much" but have full imaginations of my ancient family with history . So let me speculate here as the authentic heir.
2100 years ago, that is Han dynasty in China. I stated my long history family started from East Han Dynasty (25 AD) which was started by a child from Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) that referred as West Han dynasty because its capital-ed in west of nowadays' Shanxi province of China. The starter of West Han Dynasty Liu, Bang was the first grandfather of mine who had his famous palms recorded in history book, his two palms had three horizontal lines matched exactly just the same way mine and my father's palms over 2000 years later. I speculate my grandfathers since him in West Han dynasty were his firstborns like my grandfather, my father and me. But somehow the firstborns were no longer his palms line in the late West Han dynasty was the reason my grandfather Liu, Lu (25 AD) started East Han dynasty and set the family inheritance rule as "Matching Palms Inheritance Rule". Heard what was announced this morning, I am so happy I got something valuable from a grandfather in this historic transition period time.
----June 27th, 2017
Heard this morning's rebroadcasting of 2008 Olympic Games Opening's announcement in Beijing, China " This is the Original source of Olympic Games...".
I speculate: I have a grandmother who was the one and only Empress in Chinese history. She claimed she was the heir of Zhou Dynasty (1027 -211 BC) when she was "Mother of the Emperor" in Tong Dynasty (618-907 AD). I have been puzzled like "how?", She had nephews carried her maiden family name recorded in history books of Tang dynasty, why she was the heir? But I know nothing about if those nephews were from her brothers' or from her cousins and which cousin, etc. Anyway, her one-and-only child who was my another Tang dynasty Emperor grandfather devotedly supported her who made his Emporium called hers of WuZhou(武周) dynasty (690 - 705 AD).
About Zhou dynasty (1027 - 211 BC) that my Empress grandmother claimed she was an heir of. I was not good in history class when I was in school, Zhou dynasty is very "unfamiliar" to me. I had checked online about this grandmother of mine, I read on the internet that her grandfather in Zhou dynasty maybe Wen Emperor (周文王)who maybe the heir son of Zhou dynasty's starter Wu Emperor (周武王). By the way, I have two grandfathers in Han Dynasty are titled Wu Emperor(汉武帝) and GuangWu Emperor (光武帝). Another interesting thing about Zhou dynasty is Emperors of Zhou dynasty are called "Son of Heaven"(天子). This "Son of Heaven" (天子)is the nickname later to refer Emperors in China.
A very interesting in my family that had been broadcast-ed on the radio program was me and my father's "sound sleep". It was recorded in history book that my Empress grandmother also famous for that and she liked to say those naps were her meetings with her grandfather Wen Emperor (周文王 )(”梦周公“)。 It is a famous Chinese phrase later to describe sound sleeps. Now you know how dedicated me and my father have been in these meetings with our grandfather Wen Emperor of Zhou Dynasty.
So I haven't figure out how to speculate the relationship between myself and "Original source of Olympic Games" yet, so I will continue to speculate when I figure this out.
----June 27, 2017
Chinese history Chart (2017) Retrieved from
2100年前的中国是汉朝时期。我所过我家历史是从东汉时期 (25 AD) 开始。东汉是由汉朝皇帝的一个孩子建立的,早期的汉朝因为首都建在现今的陕西省西端常被称为西汉时期。西汉的开国皇帝刘邦是第一个独特掌纹被记入历史书籍的我的爷爷,他双掌的三条横纹完全吻合, 我父亲和我双掌的三条横纹的完全吻合就和2000多年前的爷爷刘邦一模一样。我猜啊,西汉开始时候的头胎儿子都有刘邦的掌纹,像我爷爷,我父亲和我都是头胎兼有掌纹;到后期可能有掌纹的不再是长子了,所以我爷爷刘璐干脆就建了个东汉(挪到现陕西省东边建了个首都),并且明确规定从他开始家里继承规则是“掌纹继承”。今天早上讲的估计就是这段“掌纹和长子”争执时期的一个爷爷特意留了点东西给我,我真是很开兴。
我猜猜:我有个中国历史上唯一的女皇帝奶奶武则天。她做为公元618-907 时候唐朝的太后宣称自己是公元前1027-211年时期的周朝的继承人(或类似)。我就一直很奇怪"哪有可能啊?”。她有她娘家的武姓侄子们就在唐朝的历史书上记载着呐,怎么会她是继承人啊? 但我不清楚这几个武姓的侄子们是她娘家亲兄弟的,或是她娘家堂兄弟还是几等亲的亲戚的。我就知道,她唯一的孩子也就是我的另一个唐朝皇帝爷爷是全力支持他的母亲自封女皇帝把他自己的帝国被称为是他母亲的武周帝国(公元690-705)。
中国历史年份表 (2017) 摘录于网址:
中国历史年份表 (2017) 摘录于网址:
Monday, June 26, 2017
06-26-2017 Shits means friendly? (痛骂是表达友善?)
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured Shanghai government announced no plan of any co-developing project with me(中文附后).
My response: Sounds like my name has been used to request business opportunities in Shanghai, China. I, myself, am not specialized in trading with China or Shanghai, China.
----June 26th, 2017
Heard this morning's expression by Shanghai government that won't consider throwing shits as friendly gesture.
My response: This is exactly what I expressed to British Royals and my complains regarding this almost two years now real set performing shows organized by Chinese government. I, Min Fang, never criticized or judgmental about any Chinese government policies or related. I , Min Fang, only criticized racketeering efforts helped by Chinese government via organizing this almost two year long real set performing to shits and to blackmail. This so called shows have been performed daily in P. R.China and abroad, and still on non stop.
----June 26th, 2017
My complain toward Chinese government:
In a country that whores and hookers are not considered lawful hard working professional body communicating labor workers, how could government officials confuse me who a computer programmer who live with no man around in the past 10 years with hookers, refer me in "you are just hooker " tone and organize "throw shits to a hooker show" as Chinese Government?
Should Chinese government be expected to know that to inherit family wealth is by blood relationship as result of coupled sex, instead of whores' or hookers' labor fee by sex intercourse experience during processing sex intercourse procedure.
I inherited wealth that is not the money made by sex intercourse experience.
----June 26, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting also featured some my same last names complains.
My response: I heard my father also has something entrusted by my grandfather, not sure if this is the reason I lost contact of him or if this is the reason those same last names saying "don't come to me" for. I left Shanghai after college graduation in 1990 and moved abroad since 1996. So far what I inherited are all "expected female heir's share " but not this generation heir's share. My father is this generation's heir as my grandfather's son and I am his heir. His would be no comparison size with mine because he only got his father's blessing and I also got his grandfathers' blessings. Heard he is currently in similar situation as I am.
----June 26th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting expressed some people's sigh "if you have money and you got nothing to do with him, why not let him have some"
My response: I heard a lot sighs like this for Chinese and for non-Chinese. I would say: Indeed, I have nothing to do with this person and I have no pain without this him in my life. But this fits for 1.3 Billions Chinese citizens and 4.4 Billions humans on planet earth. Why this him specific who I have nothing to do with and disgusted / being disgusted mutually?
----June 26th, 2017
Heard concerns of me may have too much money.
My response: I am concerned if this is lawful world anymore in this excuse. I am not concerned if I have too much money like everybody would not, but I am indeed concerned how many children I need to have till my precious birthmark heir finally be born.
----June 26th, 2017
我的回应: 听着像是有人在用我的名义向上海市要求生意机会。我本人不是做中国或上海的进出口的贸易的。
我的回应:这正是我对英国王室所表达的立场, 这也是我对中国政府所组织的这场近两年的所谓实景表演的投诉。我方敏从未痛骂或评论中国政府对内对外各项国策及其相关主张,我方敏只痛骂过中国政府利用组织“全方位”骚扰我生活近两年的所谓实景演出来达到谩骂恐吓造谣诽谤以协助敲诈勒索目的得做法。这所谓的演出现在还在中国及海外每天上演,拒不停止。
是不是应该认为中国政府是应该知道家族财产继承是根据夫妻性交的结果所产生的血缘关系来继承, 而不像婊子妓女的体力劳动工钱是根据性交过程进行中的性交体验来收费的。
我的回应:听说我的父亲也有我爷爷信托的财产, 不清楚这是不是我和他失去联系的原因以及这些方姓人士说”别来找我"的原因。我是1990年大学毕业离开上海1996年移居海外。目前我所继承的都是给我这个“期待中的女(继承)掌纹者”但都不是这一代继承人的那份。我父亲是我爷爷的儿子这一代的继承人,我是我父亲的继承人。他拿到的那份估计和我拿到的没法比。他只有他父亲的一份祝福,我还有他的爷爷们的祝福。听说他现在的处境就和我一样没钱惨兮兮。
My response: Sounds like my name has been used to request business opportunities in Shanghai, China. I, myself, am not specialized in trading with China or Shanghai, China.
----June 26th, 2017
Heard this morning's expression by Shanghai government that won't consider throwing shits as friendly gesture.
My response: This is exactly what I expressed to British Royals and my complains regarding this almost two years now real set performing shows organized by Chinese government. I, Min Fang, never criticized or judgmental about any Chinese government policies or related. I , Min Fang, only criticized racketeering efforts helped by Chinese government via organizing this almost two year long real set performing to shits and to blackmail. This so called shows have been performed daily in P. R.China and abroad, and still on non stop.
----June 26th, 2017
My complain toward Chinese government:
In a country that whores and hookers are not considered lawful hard working professional body communicating labor workers, how could government officials confuse me who a computer programmer who live with no man around in the past 10 years with hookers, refer me in "you are just hooker " tone and organize "throw shits to a hooker show" as Chinese Government?
Should Chinese government be expected to know that to inherit family wealth is by blood relationship as result of coupled sex, instead of whores' or hookers' labor fee by sex intercourse experience during processing sex intercourse procedure.
I inherited wealth that is not the money made by sex intercourse experience.
----June 26, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting also featured some my same last names complains.
My response: I heard my father also has something entrusted by my grandfather, not sure if this is the reason I lost contact of him or if this is the reason those same last names saying "don't come to me" for. I left Shanghai after college graduation in 1990 and moved abroad since 1996. So far what I inherited are all "expected female heir's share " but not this generation heir's share. My father is this generation's heir as my grandfather's son and I am his heir. His would be no comparison size with mine because he only got his father's blessing and I also got his grandfathers' blessings. Heard he is currently in similar situation as I am.
----June 26th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting expressed some people's sigh "if you have money and you got nothing to do with him, why not let him have some"
My response: I heard a lot sighs like this for Chinese and for non-Chinese. I would say: Indeed, I have nothing to do with this person and I have no pain without this him in my life. But this fits for 1.3 Billions Chinese citizens and 4.4 Billions humans on planet earth. Why this him specific who I have nothing to do with and disgusted / being disgusted mutually?
----June 26th, 2017
Heard concerns of me may have too much money.
My response: I am concerned if this is lawful world anymore in this excuse. I am not concerned if I have too much money like everybody would not, but I am indeed concerned how many children I need to have till my precious birthmark heir finally be born.
----June 26th, 2017
我的回应: 听着像是有人在用我的名义向上海市要求生意机会。我本人不是做中国或上海的进出口的贸易的。
我的回应:这正是我对英国王室所表达的立场, 这也是我对中国政府所组织的这场近两年的所谓实景表演的投诉。我方敏从未痛骂或评论中国政府对内对外各项国策及其相关主张,我方敏只痛骂过中国政府利用组织“全方位”骚扰我生活近两年的所谓实景演出来达到谩骂恐吓造谣诽谤以协助敲诈勒索目的得做法。这所谓的演出现在还在中国及海外每天上演,拒不停止。
是不是应该认为中国政府是应该知道家族财产继承是根据夫妻性交的结果所产生的血缘关系来继承, 而不像婊子妓女的体力劳动工钱是根据性交过程进行中的性交体验来收费的。
我的回应:听说我的父亲也有我爷爷信托的财产, 不清楚这是不是我和他失去联系的原因以及这些方姓人士说”别来找我"的原因。我是1990年大学毕业离开上海1996年移居海外。目前我所继承的都是给我这个“期待中的女(继承)掌纹者”但都不是这一代继承人的那份。我父亲是我爷爷的儿子这一代的继承人,我是我父亲的继承人。他拿到的那份估计和我拿到的没法比。他只有他父亲的一份祝福,我还有他的爷爷们的祝福。听说他现在的处境就和我一样没钱惨兮兮。
Sunday, June 25, 2017
06-25-2017 Earned and Inherited(继承的和自己挣的)
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured Shanghai same last name cousins' different understanding. (中文附后)
My response: I do not know if I deserve all my inheritances, but I know my own biological grandfathers' entrusted wealth can be inherited by me according to my grandfathers' own will only because I am their girl from their heir line who carries their blood & their inheritance birthmark palms.
----June 25th, 2017
Heard the different understandings are, rumored, from inheritances related legal documentations.
My response: I heard the same rumor. But those "deserved-ness" were never required by my own biological grandfathers according to their own expression recorded on their own hand writing wills. I heard the "requirements" were entrusting attorneys' hopes of having a good boss expressed in their own handwriting letters as representing attorneys. The rumored "legal documents(documentations)" are documents(documentations) prepared entrusting attorneys who have (had) valid attorney licenses to practice laws, those documents(documentations) are "legal documents(documentations)" only because those are all about legal matters, some recent years of those may be typed instead of handwritten. I heard one of these famous attorneys' "I hope" letters is collected and featured in College Literature Textbooks as one of American literature classics but they were never inheritances requirements. My grandfathers' wills have been only valid authentic inheritances legal documents(documentations) for me (female (heir) palms) to inherit. I know for sure I did not earn any of these entrusted wealth but I know for sure I inherited them all on June 30th, 2004. I entrusted them all to original entrusting groups on July 1st of 2004.
----June 25th, 2017
**When I heard about those handwriting "I hope" letters, I was so excited that I can own them all as my private collections. I invited my current attorneys to hand write some "I hope" documents(documentations) "according to traditions" to be part of this long history private collections(owned by me 100%) on Boston 96.9 FM in 2016.
----June 25th, 2017
**Just heard about copyright ownership doubts.
My response: All these similar articles are all paid fully as attorneys' salaries already at the time these were written as part of entrusting attorneys job related documents(documentations) and collected as part of entrusting documents(documentations). I am the one received all these as part of my inheritances and inheritances related in 2004. I own 100% of ownership of all these which should include their copyrights. I did alert law enforcement about copyright doubts.
----June 25th, 2017
**当我听说这些“我希望”的手书时,我特激动这些统统都属于我的私人收藏。我于2016年在波士顿96.9 FM 公开邀请我现在的律师们也来“按照传统”手写一些“我希望”的文件(文书)成为这个有悠久历史的私人收藏的一部分(所有权100%归我所有)。
My response: I do not know if I deserve all my inheritances, but I know my own biological grandfathers' entrusted wealth can be inherited by me according to my grandfathers' own will only because I am their girl from their heir line who carries their blood & their inheritance birthmark palms.
----June 25th, 2017
Heard the different understandings are, rumored, from inheritances related legal documentations.
My response: I heard the same rumor. But those "deserved-ness" were never required by my own biological grandfathers according to their own expression recorded on their own hand writing wills. I heard the "requirements" were entrusting attorneys' hopes of having a good boss expressed in their own handwriting letters as representing attorneys. The rumored "legal documents(documentations)" are documents(documentations) prepared entrusting attorneys who have (had) valid attorney licenses to practice laws, those documents(documentations) are "legal documents(documentations)" only because those are all about legal matters, some recent years of those may be typed instead of handwritten. I heard one of these famous attorneys' "I hope" letters is collected and featured in College Literature Textbooks as one of American literature classics but they were never inheritances requirements. My grandfathers' wills have been only valid authentic inheritances legal documents(documentations) for me (female (heir) palms) to inherit. I know for sure I did not earn any of these entrusted wealth but I know for sure I inherited them all on June 30th, 2004. I entrusted them all to original entrusting groups on July 1st of 2004.
----June 25th, 2017
**When I heard about those handwriting "I hope" letters, I was so excited that I can own them all as my private collections. I invited my current attorneys to hand write some "I hope" documents(documentations) "according to traditions" to be part of this long history private collections(owned by me 100%) on Boston 96.9 FM in 2016.
----June 25th, 2017
**Just heard about copyright ownership doubts.
My response: All these similar articles are all paid fully as attorneys' salaries already at the time these were written as part of entrusting attorneys job related documents(documentations) and collected as part of entrusting documents(documentations). I am the one received all these as part of my inheritances and inheritances related in 2004. I own 100% of ownership of all these which should include their copyrights. I did alert law enforcement about copyright doubts.
----June 25th, 2017
**当我听说这些“我希望”的手书时,我特激动这些统统都属于我的私人收藏。我于2016年在波士顿96.9 FM 公开邀请我现在的律师们也来“按照传统”手写一些“我希望”的文件(文书)成为这个有悠久历史的私人收藏的一部分(所有权100%归我所有)。
Saturday, June 24, 2017
06-24-2017 我的贡献付清免费教育的学费
2:不要轻视智慧产权能对自己的经济收入产生的影响。(这是所有正在一笔一笔核查我的智慧产权收入的所有人员的感慨。核查内容就是“为什么这个数字及为什么应该给我”,核查人员中有我的工作人员也有政府官员, 全部都是难以置信人员。)
To Succeed is Never Easy (成功从来不容易)
我的回应: 我会尽量就我的智慧产权收入作我的解释。在此只简略逻辑一下:没有人会送钱给我的。公司就只有这么多可以给;有贡献者都应奖励,且没有任何做出贡献者会认为自己不值得奖励;税务局不会允许报低税率省税,我这些负责任的会计师们会确保我的投资是用适当的投资利得税。(收入税30%左右,投资利得税15%,智慧产权税10%)
2:不要轻视智慧产权能对自己的经济收入产生的影响。(这是所有正在一笔一笔核查我的智慧产权收入的所有人员的感慨。核查内容就是“为什么这个数字及为什么应该给我”,核查人员中有我的工作人员也有政府官员, 全部都是难以置信人员。)
To Succeed is Never Easy (成功从来不容易)
我的回应: 我会尽量就我的智慧产权收入作我的解释。在此只简略逻辑一下:没有人会送钱给我的。公司就只有这么多可以给;有贡献者都应奖励,且没有任何做出贡献者会认为自己不值得奖励;税务局不会允许报低税率省税,我这些负责任的会计师们会确保我的投资是用适当的投资利得税。(收入税30%左右,投资利得税15%,智慧产权税10%)
Friday, June 23, 2017
06-23-2017 Country Opportunist?? (国家投机分子??)
我的回应: (我曾向纽约中领馆打电话实名投诉,也曾向纽约中领馆发过实名电传。)我重复今天早上我说的“纽约的中国领事馆有我方敏的有效联络地址,有效电邮及老电话号码可有效向我方敏传达中华人民共和国国家主席签发的有关我方敏的任何《中国国家主席令》。”我会在收到相关电邮或信件后在此博客公布内容。
(Heard this morning's broadcasting featured there will be an administration order from Chinese Chairman addressed to me.
My response:(I had called Chinese Consulate in New York to complain in my real name, and I had faxed a letter to the same consulate with my contact information.) I repeat what I said in the morning:"Chinese Consulate New York has my valid contact information to send me or forward me any administrative order regarding me signed by Chairman of People's Republic of China.: I will publish it or them once I receive.----June 23rd, 2017)
(Heard this morning's broadcasting featured Chinese government claimed me a "Country Opportunist"
My response: I repeat what I said in the morning "China has to specify which countries government powers have been traded by my illegal criminal activities." (Country Opportunist in P.R China means illegal criminal trading of government powers.)
(Heard Country Opportunist claim was sparked by some conversation happened in July 1st of 2004's meeting.)
My explanation:The group participated in July 1st of 2004 meeting chatted of this are all religious person who believe in luck. The whole conversation about campaign was all about chance of winning from purely lucky factor. In Europe or in US, government power is not permitted to involve in campaign, other wise will be thoroughly investigated and illegal results will be announced.
----June 23rd, 2017)
My inheritances are all lawfully real and lawfully true. My own underwear as a US citizen should never be China's national matter. ----June 23rd, 2017
我方敏继承财产全部都是合法真实确切, 我方敏作为美国公民的私人内裤从来不应该是中国的国家事务。(2017年6月23日)
Heard A lot of people took 2004's meetings as professional seminars cause a lot of anger why I was the one talking knowing I was not an professional.
My response: Those were never professional seminars. It was start off like a gathering and drifted like meetings. Those were never meant professional seminars the same way those were never government officials "cabinet meetings". I was a client who want to have children with some medical help, an investor who want to have a musical, etc. But I was never an DNA expert or a musician. Professional seminar participants deserve to have official invitations from organizers, not a simple phone call, especially won't be a mid-night phone call. (It was mid night in China). I took all these real angers as all real compliments truly honestly expressed.
----June 23rd, 2017
Heard Chinese, like other communities, has huge problem about my big numbered income。
My response: I will do my explanation the best I could. Just a basic logic here: No one will give me free money. The company only has certain amount to reward, contributed deserve to be rewarded and no contributed would self assume a bit less deserved, IRS won't tolerate tax "saving" through incorrect rate and my accountants are responsible enough to ensure appropriate investor tax for my investment making.
(Income tax rate about 30%, investor tax rate 15%, intellectual property tax rate 10%).
My attorneys are the group sharing the same "what the hell" undervalued un-comfortableness. I am working with them now on why this number and how I deserved it.
----June 23rd, 2017
我的回应: 我会尽量就我的智慧产权收入作我的解释。在此只简略逻辑一下:没有人会送钱给我的。公司就只有这么多可以给;有贡献者都应奖励,且没有任何做出贡献者会认为自己不值得奖励;税务局不会允许报低税率省税,我这些负责任的会计师们会确保我的投资是用适当的投资利得税。(收入税30%左右,投资利得税15%,智慧产权税10%)
我的回应: (我曾向纽约中领馆打电话实名投诉,也曾向纽约中领馆发过实名电传。)我重复今天早上我说的“纽约的中国领事馆有我方敏的有效联络地址,有效电邮及老电话号码可有效向我方敏传达中华人民共和国国家主席签发的有关我方敏的任何《中国国家主席令》。”我会在收到相关电邮或信件后在此博客公布内容。
(Heard this morning's broadcasting featured there will be an administration order from Chinese Chairman addressed to me.
My response:(I had called Chinese Consulate in New York to complain in my real name, and I had faxed a letter to the same consulate with my contact information.) I repeat what I said in the morning:"Chinese Consulate New York has my valid contact information to send me or forward me any administrative order regarding me signed by Chairman of People's Republic of China.: I will publish it or them once I receive.----June 23rd, 2017)
(Heard this morning's broadcasting featured Chinese government claimed me a "Country Opportunist"
My response: I repeat what I said in the morning "China has to specify which countries government powers have been traded by my illegal criminal activities." (Country Opportunist in P.R China means illegal criminal trading of government powers.)
(Heard Country Opportunist claim was sparked by some conversation happened in July 1st of 2004's meeting.)
My explanation:The group participated in July 1st of 2004 meeting chatted of this are all religious person who believe in luck. The whole conversation about campaign was all about chance of winning from purely lucky factor. In Europe or in US, government power is not permitted to involve in campaign, other wise will be thoroughly investigated and illegal results will be announced.
----June 23rd, 2017)
My inheritances are all lawfully real and lawfully true. My own underwear as a US citizen should never be China's national matter. ----June 23rd, 2017
我方敏继承财产全部都是合法真实确切, 我方敏作为美国公民的私人内裤从来不应该是中国的国家事务。(2017年6月23日)
Heard A lot of people took 2004's meetings as professional seminars cause a lot of anger why I was the one talking knowing I was not an professional.
My response: Those were never professional seminars. It was start off like a gathering and drifted like meetings. Those were never meant professional seminars the same way those were never government officials "cabinet meetings". I was a client who want to have children with some medical help, an investor who want to have a musical, etc. But I was never an DNA expert or a musician. Professional seminar participants deserve to have official invitations from organizers, not a simple phone call, especially won't be a mid-night phone call. (It was mid night in China). I took all these real angers as all real compliments truly honestly expressed.
----June 23rd, 2017
Heard Chinese, like other communities, has huge problem about my big numbered income。
My response: I will do my explanation the best I could. Just a basic logic here: No one will give me free money. The company only has certain amount to reward, contributed deserve to be rewarded and no contributed would self assume a bit less deserved, IRS won't tolerate tax "saving" through incorrect rate and my accountants are responsible enough to ensure appropriate investor tax for my investment making.
(Income tax rate about 30%, investor tax rate 15%, intellectual property tax rate 10%).
My attorneys are the group sharing the same "what the hell" undervalued un-comfortableness. I am working with them now on why this number and how I deserved it.
----June 23rd, 2017
我的回应: 我会尽量就我的智慧产权收入作我的解释。在此只简略逻辑一下:没有人会送钱给我的。公司就只有这么多可以给;有贡献者都应奖励,且没有任何做出贡献者会认为自己不值得奖励;税务局不会允许报低税率省税,我这些负责任的会计师们会确保我的投资是用适当的投资利得税。(收入税30%左右,投资利得税15%,智慧产权税10%)
Thursday, June 22, 2017
06-22-2017 My father never dated her mother(我父亲从为和她母亲恋爱过)
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a Miss Li that frustrated about her confusion of who father her. (听说今天早上的广播提到一位李小姐关于谁是她父亲的困扰)
My response: If my father ever dated her mother and had sexual experience, it is more appropriate to let my father respond why he chose my mother. The truth is my father never had anything close to friendship with her mother, not to mention romantically.
Heard her mother graduated from Nanjing University same astrophysics major as my father but not same year. They never dated in college. There were only few hundred or 1000 astrophysicist in China then, my father's colleague either his classmates or same college alumni. They all knew this is a true statement because they knew my father's romance history.
My father was assigned to Nanjing Purple Mountain Observatory, her parents both work for Beijing Observatory. The distance between her family and my family were 23 hours train time. At the time when she was conceived, China workdays schedule was 6 days a week and one day off on Sunday. My father was not on business trip around time she was conceived. And there was no airline offer any "real"commercial flight, meaning? Special permission needed to buy a ticket.
The confusion was caused by a fight over a one-piece dress my father got me when I was 6-7 years old. There was a professional seminar that year in Beijing in 1974 or 1975, Chinese Science Academy Headquarter organized some special offering like this very pretty one-piece girl's dress. It was around ¥7 while my father and his college's monthly income was ¥53.(My mother was ¥8). Heard Beijing Observatory gave all its employee one free piece each person. The fight broke when her parents took a piece from the booth saw my father approaching to buy one.
The fight confused everyone presented because her mother was so angry that why my father only spend money on me not her daughter; my father was so angry that it was his salary of his own to buy for me. The trick done the confusion was I referred as Min Fang, she was referred as her mother's daughter in this whole fight. Entire time her biological father who is also her mother's husband was standing right next to her mother. Everybody around got the impression that two girls sounds like sharing the same father. Actually my father's argument entire time implied "This is my own salary I am buying for my daughter, why I have to spend on your daughter?' About this incidence, I , like my father, puzzled why her mother feel so angry and so eligible to yell at my father? This incidence pissed off my father for over 30 years.
(争执内容是她的母亲很气愤我父亲只肯花钱给我买衣服,却不肯给漂亮得多的她买衣服;我父亲很气愤说他是用他自己的工资替他女儿买衣服怎么不可以。争执困扰了很多在现场的人。引发误会的原因是我在争执中是被双方称为“方敏”,她在争执中被双方称为“她母亲的女儿”,她母亲的丈夫(她自己的血缘父亲)整个争执过程都在她母亲旁边站着。 这称谓让所有在场的人都误会这两个女孩共有一个父亲。其实我父亲在争执中的论点就是在说“我是用我自己的工资(不是公款)替我女儿买衣服,我为什么要替你女儿买衣服?” 就这事件,我和我父亲同样的困扰就是她母亲哪来的这愤怒又哪来的这资格冲着我父亲嘶吼?这争执把我父亲给气了30多年)
Heard this morning's broadcasting expressed her confusion that she seldom enjoy her biological father's benefit.(听说今天早上还提到她从小就没有享受到她父亲福利)
My response: Her "saving" of her biological father's benefit was given by her biological parents to her biological younger brother as suppose to. No outsider of her lawful biological family enjoyed her biological father's anything from her "saving". She cannot blame my father of her lost from her biological father's loving financial expressions. My father and I are not the responsible party to make up this kind loss of hers.
She is, by rumor, the reason I was not allowed to have access to the phone in January of 2004 meeting.(有传言她是我2004年一月会议不得接电话的原因)
My elaboration: Heard she was a colleague to Chinese Premier in Chinese Youth Party Beijing Headquarter, not sure if she was at 1989 colleges' phone conference that heard I have money abroad. Heard she is a in-law to a Chinese diplomat's in 2004's meeting. Heard everyone knew this in-law of hers believed she is the "real first born". Heard in January 2004 meeting she already requested via her in-law that anything regarding me need her approval as "real first born". This has pissed me off entire past 10 years time.
If she continues accusing my father and I, and if she continues her pursue of financial compensation or sharing my inheritances out of this confusion, I will sue her and her helping party for criminal activities.(如果她继续坚持就此困扰指责我和我父亲或要求财产继承权或经济补偿, 我会视为敲诈并要求对她及帮助她敲诈的人员提出刑事起诉。)
----June 22nd, 2017 (2017年6月22日)
My response: If my father ever dated her mother and had sexual experience, it is more appropriate to let my father respond why he chose my mother. The truth is my father never had anything close to friendship with her mother, not to mention romantically.
Heard her mother graduated from Nanjing University same astrophysics major as my father but not same year. They never dated in college. There were only few hundred or 1000 astrophysicist in China then, my father's colleague either his classmates or same college alumni. They all knew this is a true statement because they knew my father's romance history.
My father was assigned to Nanjing Purple Mountain Observatory, her parents both work for Beijing Observatory. The distance between her family and my family were 23 hours train time. At the time when she was conceived, China workdays schedule was 6 days a week and one day off on Sunday. My father was not on business trip around time she was conceived. And there was no airline offer any "real"commercial flight, meaning? Special permission needed to buy a ticket.
The confusion was caused by a fight over a one-piece dress my father got me when I was 6-7 years old. There was a professional seminar that year in Beijing in 1974 or 1975, Chinese Science Academy Headquarter organized some special offering like this very pretty one-piece girl's dress. It was around ¥7 while my father and his college's monthly income was ¥53.(My mother was ¥8). Heard Beijing Observatory gave all its employee one free piece each person. The fight broke when her parents took a piece from the booth saw my father approaching to buy one.
The fight confused everyone presented because her mother was so angry that why my father only spend money on me not her daughter; my father was so angry that it was his salary of his own to buy for me. The trick done the confusion was I referred as Min Fang, she was referred as her mother's daughter in this whole fight. Entire time her biological father who is also her mother's husband was standing right next to her mother. Everybody around got the impression that two girls sounds like sharing the same father. Actually my father's argument entire time implied "This is my own salary I am buying for my daughter, why I have to spend on your daughter?' About this incidence, I , like my father, puzzled why her mother feel so angry and so eligible to yell at my father? This incidence pissed off my father for over 30 years.
(争执内容是她的母亲很气愤我父亲只肯花钱给我买衣服,却不肯给漂亮得多的她买衣服;我父亲很气愤说他是用他自己的工资替他女儿买衣服怎么不可以。争执困扰了很多在现场的人。引发误会的原因是我在争执中是被双方称为“方敏”,她在争执中被双方称为“她母亲的女儿”,她母亲的丈夫(她自己的血缘父亲)整个争执过程都在她母亲旁边站着。 这称谓让所有在场的人都误会这两个女孩共有一个父亲。其实我父亲在争执中的论点就是在说“我是用我自己的工资(不是公款)替我女儿买衣服,我为什么要替你女儿买衣服?” 就这事件,我和我父亲同样的困扰就是她母亲哪来的这愤怒又哪来的这资格冲着我父亲嘶吼?这争执把我父亲给气了30多年)
Heard this morning's broadcasting expressed her confusion that she seldom enjoy her biological father's benefit.(听说今天早上还提到她从小就没有享受到她父亲福利)
My response: Her "saving" of her biological father's benefit was given by her biological parents to her biological younger brother as suppose to. No outsider of her lawful biological family enjoyed her biological father's anything from her "saving". She cannot blame my father of her lost from her biological father's loving financial expressions. My father and I are not the responsible party to make up this kind loss of hers.
She is, by rumor, the reason I was not allowed to have access to the phone in January of 2004 meeting.(有传言她是我2004年一月会议不得接电话的原因)
My elaboration: Heard she was a colleague to Chinese Premier in Chinese Youth Party Beijing Headquarter, not sure if she was at 1989 colleges' phone conference that heard I have money abroad. Heard she is a in-law to a Chinese diplomat's in 2004's meeting. Heard everyone knew this in-law of hers believed she is the "real first born". Heard in January 2004 meeting she already requested via her in-law that anything regarding me need her approval as "real first born". This has pissed me off entire past 10 years time.
If she continues accusing my father and I, and if she continues her pursue of financial compensation or sharing my inheritances out of this confusion, I will sue her and her helping party for criminal activities.(如果她继续坚持就此困扰指责我和我父亲或要求财产继承权或经济补偿, 我会视为敲诈并要求对她及帮助她敲诈的人员提出刑事起诉。)
----June 22nd, 2017 (2017年6月22日)
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
06-21-2017 To Succeed Is Never Easy (II)
06-21-2017 To Succeed Is Never Easy (II) 成功从来不容易(翻译附后)
I heard a lot of people feel uncomfortable of the size of my own making. Why their hard working only worth this much and how come I can make money so easily.
My response: It is misunderstanding. It was never this easy. I was a early mature and very bright kid since teenage time, but my performance had been so-so entire time till 2004. I am the person enjoy reading anything I could find and absorb everything printed ever since I learned to read. It was BioGate project independent research experience make the "everything all comes together" happened. I finished BioGate window logon replacement project from requirement printed on a piece of paper in 2000 to a fully functioned software in 2003. I independently researched all modules of this window logon replacement project other than Bio-authentication module. The meetings were in 2004. (Published on June 16th, 2017)
Let me explain my self more. Scientists may already understand what I mean by independent research experience I finished in 2003 was the reason "realization of every little piece finally comes together" in 2004. I would assume a lot of people know the feeling of last piece of puzzle makes everything comes together. That is what I mean to succeed is never easy and that is what happened to me in 2004.
Talking about financial returns of hard working experience. To Science Academy society, scientists there may prefer rewarded by Nobel Prize and with with financial returns. To writers would be fame and on the top of best sellers' list.
I am in the group like hedge fund managers who not really have a reach to honors like Nobel Prize but good and settled with achievements in financial returns.
To succeed is not easy, to put in some much effort and watch other people succeed, especially at the spot that assumed got the point, is...
When I first got here US in 1996, I soon heard male sexual function improvement supplement is a huge market possible. Being a pharmacologist I did aware of some researches done in this field and I was very interested to know if I can get into this business. I did not actually have any chance to look into this but it was always in my mind as a good business opportunity if I can figure out how herbs or some compositions can be really effective to erect the male organ. I finally figured that out in June of 2004 and I was almost cried when I heard Viagra (blue) was already ready for market on July 1st of 2004. I knew that researcher PhD Professor got it without even finishing listen to his introduction.
I can totally imagine how so many devoted researchers felt that day when Viagra (blue) was announced.
----June 21st, 2017
让我来多解释一点。 科学家们可能已经明白我说的”独立研发经历是我对所有读过的东西豁然开窍的原因“讲的是什么。我估计很多人也都明白什么是“最后一个谜题的破解解释了所有的疑问”。这就是我自己2004年的会议经历及我为什么说成功从来不容易的原因。
成功不容易,坐在那里眼睁睁看着别人成功,特别是别人的成功就在自己也已经找到诀窍的同一领域课题, 真的是。。。
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
06-20-2017 好像是有人在向中科院诈财(Who is racketeering?)
我的回应:不知中科院需要做此公开声明的原因是什么。就我所知,中科院总院是在北京,而我父亲是曾在南京工作, 于1993年就已在南京退休。我本人就方敏自己在美国的发明费用支付支票被人转存领取已以我方敏自己的美国公民身份就方敏自己的智慧产权向美国联邦调查局写信及麻州检察长办公室写信向麻州报警。请参阅本人6月14日博文(英语)
关于我方敏是否有可能有发明费的逻辑基础, 请参阅6月16日博文(英语):
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured Chinese Science Academy (Headquarter) Communism Party Chairman who announced I have no claim in Chinese Science Academy.
My response: I have no idea why he need to make such announcement. Sound like they have been racketeered by. Chinese Academy headquartered in Beijing, my father had worked for its Nanjing branch till he retired 1993. I myself had called law enforcement's help regarding what I heard about my invention fees and other intellectual income. Please see
If I possibly have an realistic log to have any invention fees, please check
---June 20th, 2017; 2017年6月20日。
听说2016年5月至7月时, 中科院总院当时已退休的前党委书记在广播剧上发声说如果我不是婊子,哪会有这么多人痛骂我是婊子?
Heard between May to July of 2016, radio program featured an episode stated if I am not whore, why so many people shit me so.
My response: This is the reason I speak up on this blog and keep calling law enforcement's help. I accused this is public racketeering effort.
British Royals and British government know for sure I have not been to Britain; People's Republic of China government know for sure I have no contact at all with their huge Premier since 1991. Those patched stories impressed audience of me for who I never was is the reason I am keep calling law enforcement's help.
I am a female heir from a long history polygamist family is the reason I feel comfortable about being a traditional polygamist myself having a male's privilege. )
----2017年6月20日。June 20th, 2017
我的回应:听说2004年7月日会议周小川行长有参加。他应该很清楚当时所有人都知道我是只读了一本《宏观经济学》,也都很惊奇就一本书知识我就能对很多经济问题有自己的看法。请参阅 http://chroniclenote.blogspot.com/2017/05/05-08-2017-4.html
(Translation: Heard Former Chinese federal Bank CEO saying I am not an Economist in May to July 2016 time.
My response: I heard he was in July 1st of 2004 meeting that everyone there knew I was one book knowledge and were all very surprised that I could have this and that reasonable thoughts about economy with this one and only book's knowledge. ----June 20th, 2017)
我的回应:我的脑控癌治疗是我方敏自己的基金(继承)支付, 目前已支付的治疗费用总额已近9亿美元。从来都是我按爷爷们遗嘱所继承的美国基金公司的支票账户付费。我方敏从未使用中国军费也不知中国军费任何开支。(至于这基金那基金是不是我的钱, 请参阅:
中文翻译: http://chroniclenote.blogspot.com/2017/06/06-11-2017.html)
(Translation: Heard radio program implied that there was over ¥100 Million RMB spent on my glass house cancer treatment.
My response: My glass house cancer treatment has been paid by my own inheritances, total amount paid is close or a bit over $900 Million already. The treatment has been paid entire time by American Funds that I inherited according to my own grandfathers' written wills. These funds all have been in US (including cloning America time) for several hundred years. About confusion of whose money, please check http://chroniclenote.blogspot.com/2017/06/06-03-2017-not-joke-but-reaon.html
----June 20th, 2017)
我的回应:我在2015年就公开说所谓七亿元人民币其实是中国广播剧参与播放单位应付给广播剧制作单位的费用,产生误会是因为支票没写抬头且交付支票的中方广播公司工作人员又开了个玩笑引发。我2016年在波士顿96.9 FM也表达了同样说法。我的爷爷们给我的已经很丰厚了。我自己在广播剧里做做女主人公也挣了40亿美金了, 听说那部立体电影Avatar也是差不多我挣了有40亿美金呢。
(Translation: Heard this morning Jiangsu Province governor emphasized in the radio program that no such ¥700 Millions had ever given to me.
My response: I already said publicly that this ¥700 Million was the producing fee that Chinese broadcasting radio stations owed to American radio program producing company. The ”confusion“ was caused by no-titled check and an inappropriate joke made by the employee of Chinese broadcasting radio stations who sent the check. This was the same story I said on 96.6 FM in 2016. The blessings I got from my own biological grandfathers are very handsome. I myself made about $4 Billion in the radio program, and I heard 3-D movie Avatar made another $4 Billion I call my own making.
----June 20th, 2017)
我的回应:不知中科院需要做此公开声明的原因是什么。就我所知,中科院总院是在北京,而我父亲是曾在南京工作, 于1993年就已在南京退休。我本人就方敏自己在美国的发明费用支付支票被人转存领取已以我方敏自己的美国公民身份就方敏自己的智慧产权向美国联邦调查局写信及麻州检察长办公室写信向麻州报警。请参阅本人6月14日博文(英语)
关于我方敏是否有可能有发明费的逻辑基础, 请参阅6月16日博文(英语):
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured Chinese Science Academy (Headquarter) Communism Party Chairman who announced I have no claim in Chinese Science Academy.
My response: I have no idea why he need to make such announcement. Sound like they have been racketeered by. Chinese Academy headquartered in Beijing, my father had worked for its Nanjing branch till he retired 1993. I myself had called law enforcement's help regarding what I heard about my invention fees and other intellectual income. Please see
If I possibly have an realistic log to have any invention fees, please check
---June 20th, 2017; 2017年6月20日。
听说2016年5月至7月时, 中科院总院当时已退休的前党委书记在广播剧上发声说如果我不是婊子,哪会有这么多人痛骂我是婊子?
Heard between May to July of 2016, radio program featured an episode stated if I am not whore, why so many people shit me so.
My response: This is the reason I speak up on this blog and keep calling law enforcement's help. I accused this is public racketeering effort.
British Royals and British government know for sure I have not been to Britain; People's Republic of China government know for sure I have no contact at all with their huge Premier since 1991. Those patched stories impressed audience of me for who I never was is the reason I am keep calling law enforcement's help.
I am a female heir from a long history polygamist family is the reason I feel comfortable about being a traditional polygamist myself having a male's privilege. )
----2017年6月20日。June 20th, 2017
我的回应:听说2004年7月日会议周小川行长有参加。他应该很清楚当时所有人都知道我是只读了一本《宏观经济学》,也都很惊奇就一本书知识我就能对很多经济问题有自己的看法。请参阅 http://chroniclenote.blogspot.com/2017/05/05-08-2017-4.html
(Translation: Heard Former Chinese federal Bank CEO saying I am not an Economist in May to July 2016 time.
My response: I heard he was in July 1st of 2004 meeting that everyone there knew I was one book knowledge and were all very surprised that I could have this and that reasonable thoughts about economy with this one and only book's knowledge. ----June 20th, 2017)
我的回应:我的脑控癌治疗是我方敏自己的基金(继承)支付, 目前已支付的治疗费用总额已近9亿美元。从来都是我按爷爷们遗嘱所继承的美国基金公司的支票账户付费。我方敏从未使用中国军费也不知中国军费任何开支。(至于这基金那基金是不是我的钱, 请参阅:
中文翻译: http://chroniclenote.blogspot.com/2017/06/06-11-2017.html)
(Translation: Heard radio program implied that there was over ¥100 Million RMB spent on my glass house cancer treatment.
My response: My glass house cancer treatment has been paid by my own inheritances, total amount paid is close or a bit over $900 Million already. The treatment has been paid entire time by American Funds that I inherited according to my own grandfathers' written wills. These funds all have been in US (including cloning America time) for several hundred years. About confusion of whose money, please check http://chroniclenote.blogspot.com/2017/06/06-03-2017-not-joke-but-reaon.html
----June 20th, 2017)
我的回应:我在2015年就公开说所谓七亿元人民币其实是中国广播剧参与播放单位应付给广播剧制作单位的费用,产生误会是因为支票没写抬头且交付支票的中方广播公司工作人员又开了个玩笑引发。我2016年在波士顿96.9 FM也表达了同样说法。我的爷爷们给我的已经很丰厚了。我自己在广播剧里做做女主人公也挣了40亿美金了, 听说那部立体电影Avatar也是差不多我挣了有40亿美金呢。
(Translation: Heard this morning Jiangsu Province governor emphasized in the radio program that no such ¥700 Millions had ever given to me.
My response: I already said publicly that this ¥700 Million was the producing fee that Chinese broadcasting radio stations owed to American radio program producing company. The ”confusion“ was caused by no-titled check and an inappropriate joke made by the employee of Chinese broadcasting radio stations who sent the check. This was the same story I said on 96.6 FM in 2016. The blessings I got from my own biological grandfathers are very handsome. I myself made about $4 Billion in the radio program, and I heard 3-D movie Avatar made another $4 Billion I call my own making.
----June 20th, 2017)
Monday, June 19, 2017
06-19-2017 中科院家里是按人均收入算支出的
Sunday, June 18, 2017
06-18-2017 Science Academy Kids
When I was applying my current school, the interview question was "How confident am I do online remote study?"
I answered: I had worked for R&D (research and development) for four to five years when I was a computer programmer.
Once I had done independent research as working experience, I learned that the best way to start a new project is to follow the instruction or requirement. The person, normally a professor or experienced manager, already input from this person's best knowledge what need to look into, as requirement and as draft, to start a new research.
Now I do my papers very easily: I do "exactly" what professor requested. Meaning? If I do not come up better idea of my own, I follow each step as professor advised. Once started, everything is just researching for the questions developed during the process.
----June 18th, 2017
Heard somebody doubted I was affluent in college when my family having such simple living quarter.
My response: Well, that maybe from the group not familiar with Science Academy or Colleges faculty families. In China, 1980 time college graduates salary income for my parents age was about ¥150. My mother was high school graduated accountant paid as 50. So I got my share of family income 50 for my college time. Not exaggerating at all. Some kids came from both college graduates parents family got 100 as monthly providing in college.
--June 18th, 2017
This is the good part of being a Science Academy kid, parents got good housing and benefit, nobody got concern of pension of job security. That was the reason my family was OK even I was in college when my mother lost her job in 1980 that left her no chance to have pension for the rest of her life. I wished all my heart that my mother can still be alive. She married into my rich family and being a mother of the heir but she was not provided for as she deserved. Being the one she spoiled, I just wish she could have a chance to enjoy what I can provide for her from my own y making. She was never my burden.
----June 18th, 2017
Heard some saying that being a mother, I do not devote as a mother should be.
My response: My current situation is not my own wish. I may not be the nursing type mother as others assume but I am being a responsible mother. I grew up as a Science Academy kid that used to develop my own interests when my parents busy on their own matters. I assume I am already so much better on this front than those who brought up by both researcher parents.
----June 18th, 2017
In Science Academy society, kids like me who are not interested in doing pure "theoretical" research but like to do practical engineering stuff are already considered "loser kid" or "failure kid"; if being a business person prefer earnings as I am so proud of, I assume am the one everybody say that "she do make some money."
----June 18th, 2017
I answered: I had worked for R&D (research and development) for four to five years when I was a computer programmer.
Once I had done independent research as working experience, I learned that the best way to start a new project is to follow the instruction or requirement. The person, normally a professor or experienced manager, already input from this person's best knowledge what need to look into, as requirement and as draft, to start a new research.
Now I do my papers very easily: I do "exactly" what professor requested. Meaning? If I do not come up better idea of my own, I follow each step as professor advised. Once started, everything is just researching for the questions developed during the process.
----June 18th, 2017
Heard somebody doubted I was affluent in college when my family having such simple living quarter.
My response: Well, that maybe from the group not familiar with Science Academy or Colleges faculty families. In China, 1980 time college graduates salary income for my parents age was about ¥150. My mother was high school graduated accountant paid as 50. So I got my share of family income 50 for my college time. Not exaggerating at all. Some kids came from both college graduates parents family got 100 as monthly providing in college.
--June 18th, 2017
This is the good part of being a Science Academy kid, parents got good housing and benefit, nobody got concern of pension of job security. That was the reason my family was OK even I was in college when my mother lost her job in 1980 that left her no chance to have pension for the rest of her life. I wished all my heart that my mother can still be alive. She married into my rich family and being a mother of the heir but she was not provided for as she deserved. Being the one she spoiled, I just wish she could have a chance to enjoy what I can provide for her from my own y making. She was never my burden.
----June 18th, 2017
Heard some saying that being a mother, I do not devote as a mother should be.
My response: My current situation is not my own wish. I may not be the nursing type mother as others assume but I am being a responsible mother. I grew up as a Science Academy kid that used to develop my own interests when my parents busy on their own matters. I assume I am already so much better on this front than those who brought up by both researcher parents.
----June 18th, 2017
In Science Academy society, kids like me who are not interested in doing pure "theoretical" research but like to do practical engineering stuff are already considered "loser kid" or "failure kid"; if being a business person prefer earnings as I am so proud of, I assume am the one everybody say that "she do make some money."
----June 18th, 2017
Saturday, June 17, 2017
06-17-2017 My Ancestry and Me (唐朝祖先和我)
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a Mr. Li(Lee,李) is so confused about how I am the heir of Emperor Li (Lee,李)knowing my last name is Fang(方), and why he himself can not be acknowledged as a heir to the same Emperor Li even his last name is a Li(李).
My response: Obviously we do not share the same grandfathers, at least not those who had changed last name to Fang(方).
My long history family house-starter's last name was Liu (刘, Emperor Liu)in East Han dynasty(25 AD), 李was our family name sometime before Tang dynasty(650AD-1000 AD) till it changed to 方(Fang) several hundred years ago. There are some stories associate with the family name changes.
李(Li or Lee) has been the fourth or so most populated last name in P.R..China. Lee is its traditional and Li is its current standard English translation.
Heard this morning's featured Mr. Li is a relative of the one I heard that being my ancestor's heir by a one-and-only letter signed in 1950 by "a company's entire staff" stating heard of this family. This "company" was a military company or bigger unit, "entire staff" were everyone under General 王震(Wang, Zhen) leadership, and "heard of" means they all heard of this family from their General 王震(Wang, Zhen). Heard this Mr. Li's family argued they heard of their own family since 1800 AD or 1900 AD, either from General 王震(Wang, Zhen) or not sure from whom.
----June 17, 2017
我的家世有着悠久历史,起家的爷爷东汉朝代的光武帝(公元25)时家里是姓“刘”, 在唐朝之前家里已该姓“李”(650 AD - 1000 AD)直到几百年前的时候改姓方。每一次改姓都有些家里的故事。
3:我对唐朝诗人白居易感激不尽。他的那首“长恨歌”所描述的开元年间”生个女儿就很满足,不是因为她可嫁入豪门,就只因为她是父母宝贝“这份意境让我理解了奶奶武周女皇武则天,让我感受到从武则天到唐玄宗三代爷爷奶奶对还未出生的我的努力和付出,就是这一份感受让我在美国波士顿96.9FM里泣不成声地说“I am a polygamist”。
My response: Obviously we do not share the same grandfathers, at least not those who had changed last name to Fang(方).
My long history family house-starter's last name was Liu (刘, Emperor Liu)in East Han dynasty(25 AD), 李was our family name sometime before Tang dynasty(650AD-1000 AD) till it changed to 方(Fang) several hundred years ago. There are some stories associate with the family name changes.
李(Li or Lee) has been the fourth or so most populated last name in P.R..China. Lee is its traditional and Li is its current standard English translation.
Heard this morning's featured Mr. Li is a relative of the one I heard that being my ancestor's heir by a one-and-only letter signed in 1950 by "a company's entire staff" stating heard of this family. This "company" was a military company or bigger unit, "entire staff" were everyone under General 王震(Wang, Zhen) leadership, and "heard of" means they all heard of this family from their General 王震(Wang, Zhen). Heard this Mr. Li's family argued they heard of their own family since 1800 AD or 1900 AD, either from General 王震(Wang, Zhen) or not sure from whom.
----June 17, 2017
我的家世有着悠久历史,起家的爷爷东汉朝代的光武帝(公元25)时家里是姓“刘”, 在唐朝之前家里已该姓“李”(650 AD - 1000 AD)直到几百年前的时候改姓方。每一次改姓都有些家里的故事。
3:我对唐朝诗人白居易感激不尽。他的那首“长恨歌”所描述的开元年间”生个女儿就很满足,不是因为她可嫁入豪门,就只因为她是父母宝贝“这份意境让我理解了奶奶武周女皇武则天,让我感受到从武则天到唐玄宗三代爷爷奶奶对还未出生的我的努力和付出,就是这一份感受让我在美国波士顿96.9FM里泣不成声地说“I am a polygamist”。
Friday, June 16, 2017
06-16-2017 To succeed is never easy
Heard this morning's broadcasting ends with a senior's voice stating he has his own children. Heard that was Tina O'Connor's father.
My response: I have no complain of my own biological children's excellent origins. I inherited my own biological grandfather's wealth according to this grandfather's own will. The wealth cause O'Connors' families' confusion was willed & entrusted by my own biological grandfather who passed away about 600-800 years ago. My name in this grandfather's will, like in all my grandfathers' will, is the nickname "female (heir) palms".
----June 16th, 2017
Heard the question why I can't let some mother have money since I have some money.
My response: I choose to and I deserve to live for my own biological children. It is every deserve to have money mothers' questions that make it worldwide known case I myself is currently in poverty and understood as 'deserve' to die in poverty because of all these deserve-ness from everyone who want some money.
----June 16th, 2017
Heard confusion that never imaginable that I can make such big amount money easily in a just several hours.
My response: It is misunderstanding. It was never this easy. I was a early mature and very bright kid since teenage time, but my performance had been so-so entire time till 2004. I am the person enjoy reading anything I could find and absorb everything printed ever since I learned to read. It was BioGate project independent research experience make the "everything all comes together" happened. I finished BioGate window logon replacement project from requirement printed on a piece of paper in 2000 to a fully functioned software in 2003. I independently researched all modules of this window logon replacement project other than Bio-authentication module. The meetings were in 2004.
----June 16th, 2017
Heard if there are some invention fee kind income, why not a single penny taxed?
My response: What I heard is, so far, not a single check in my name has been deposited/taxed in my name. Most of these deposits can not be cashed but few have been cashed since 2010. I myself do not even know the amount or checks origins (majority of them were from 2004 meetings). I tipped law enforcement as much as I could. 2004 meetings were all electronic conferences and all have been recorded.
----June 16th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting in Chinese was Chinese government's frustration why they are involved.
I would say: I heard the reason is there are some "smart" people educating Chinese government that 1.3 Billion Chinese citizen can have roughly $5000 each if they can let worldwide staff of my inheritances work for them. They already made the "hello" phone call and they truly deserve to be fully supported by Chinese government to announce this ownership change made by this hello phone call.
听说了早上的中文争议, 我听说的争议原因是有人在”教育“中国政府如果能把我的财产全部抢到手,中国十三亿公民每人可分5000美金。也就是世界人民做工(我的基金工作人员), 中国人民只管拿钱。他们都已经打过"hello"电话了,中国政府必须支持并且协助宣布一通”hello“电话已经足够让基金换主人了。
----June 16th, 2017
Heard saying in and from Chinese community of my money at most "$3 Million" or "$300 Million".
My response: The $3 Million was the number said by a China town psychic reader in 1997 or 1998 when I was a student/restaurant cashier. The $300 Million number was said by myself in 2000 when I was a computer programmer in Janus Associates. The $300 Million, according to my saying, would be my own making; $3 Million, according to the Chinese palm reader, would be some inheritance. Both are not any real numbers from any serious conversation with any realistic ground, both numbers are far below the real numbers. 听说华人社区有传我的钱最多就“三百万美金”或“三亿美金”。“三百万美金是1997-1998年我还在打餐馆念书时纽约一个看手相的先生说的, ”三亿美金“是我在Janus Associates做电脑程序员是说的。按我的说法,“三亿美金”是我自己能挣的;按看相先生的说法,“三百万美金”是家里先人留给我的。这两个数字都不是什么实际事实数据,涉及的谈说也不是什么正式会谈,我继承的和我自己挣的实际事实数字都比这两个闲聊中的数字大很多。
----June 16th, 2017
我的回应:这只能说我方敏不是个愿意被虐待的人, 我方敏从来不是容易被人影响的人。在中国是有个说法叫”打是亲,骂是爱“,但这打骂如果没有任何善意并且很过分的情况下再愿意被人往死里打往死里骂在中国的说法就已经是”这根本就是花痴精神病“。在心理学上”被虐待狂“(喜欢被人打骂)是一种病态心理。
My response: I have no complain of my own biological children's excellent origins. I inherited my own biological grandfather's wealth according to this grandfather's own will. The wealth cause O'Connors' families' confusion was willed & entrusted by my own biological grandfather who passed away about 600-800 years ago. My name in this grandfather's will, like in all my grandfathers' will, is the nickname "female (heir) palms".
----June 16th, 2017
Heard the question why I can't let some mother have money since I have some money.
My response: I choose to and I deserve to live for my own biological children. It is every deserve to have money mothers' questions that make it worldwide known case I myself is currently in poverty and understood as 'deserve' to die in poverty because of all these deserve-ness from everyone who want some money.
----June 16th, 2017
Heard confusion that never imaginable that I can make such big amount money easily in a just several hours.
My response: It is misunderstanding. It was never this easy. I was a early mature and very bright kid since teenage time, but my performance had been so-so entire time till 2004. I am the person enjoy reading anything I could find and absorb everything printed ever since I learned to read. It was BioGate project independent research experience make the "everything all comes together" happened. I finished BioGate window logon replacement project from requirement printed on a piece of paper in 2000 to a fully functioned software in 2003. I independently researched all modules of this window logon replacement project other than Bio-authentication module. The meetings were in 2004.
----June 16th, 2017
Heard if there are some invention fee kind income, why not a single penny taxed?
My response: What I heard is, so far, not a single check in my name has been deposited/taxed in my name. Most of these deposits can not be cashed but few have been cashed since 2010. I myself do not even know the amount or checks origins (majority of them were from 2004 meetings). I tipped law enforcement as much as I could. 2004 meetings were all electronic conferences and all have been recorded.
----June 16th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting in Chinese was Chinese government's frustration why they are involved.
I would say: I heard the reason is there are some "smart" people educating Chinese government that 1.3 Billion Chinese citizen can have roughly $5000 each if they can let worldwide staff of my inheritances work for them. They already made the "hello" phone call and they truly deserve to be fully supported by Chinese government to announce this ownership change made by this hello phone call.
听说了早上的中文争议, 我听说的争议原因是有人在”教育“中国政府如果能把我的财产全部抢到手,中国十三亿公民每人可分5000美金。也就是世界人民做工(我的基金工作人员), 中国人民只管拿钱。他们都已经打过"hello"电话了,中国政府必须支持并且协助宣布一通”hello“电话已经足够让基金换主人了。
----June 16th, 2017
Heard saying in and from Chinese community of my money at most "$3 Million" or "$300 Million".
My response: The $3 Million was the number said by a China town psychic reader in 1997 or 1998 when I was a student/restaurant cashier. The $300 Million number was said by myself in 2000 when I was a computer programmer in Janus Associates. The $300 Million, according to my saying, would be my own making; $3 Million, according to the Chinese palm reader, would be some inheritance. Both are not any real numbers from any serious conversation with any realistic ground, both numbers are far below the real numbers. 听说华人社区有传我的钱最多就“三百万美金”或“三亿美金”。“三百万美金是1997-1998年我还在打餐馆念书时纽约一个看手相的先生说的, ”三亿美金“是我在Janus Associates做电脑程序员是说的。按我的说法,“三亿美金”是我自己能挣的;按看相先生的说法,“三百万美金”是家里先人留给我的。这两个数字都不是什么实际事实数据,涉及的谈说也不是什么正式会谈,我继承的和我自己挣的实际事实数字都比这两个闲聊中的数字大很多。
----June 16th, 2017
我的回应:这只能说我方敏不是个愿意被虐待的人, 我方敏从来不是容易被人影响的人。在中国是有个说法叫”打是亲,骂是爱“,但这打骂如果没有任何善意并且很过分的情况下再愿意被人往死里打往死里骂在中国的说法就已经是”这根本就是花痴精神病“。在心理学上”被虐待狂“(喜欢被人打骂)是一种病态心理。
Thursday, June 15, 2017
06-15-2017 方敏的回应
如果看见博文被”黑“,请注意这是因为此博客被攻击。为掩盖Tina O‘Connor的名字及“利用广播剧”, 应是中国人或华人所为。
06-15-2017 方敏的回应
第四:方敏我已向美国政府国内代表(美国司法机关)投诉美国外交部作为事实真相的知情部门,Tina O’Connor作为外交部工作人员及我方敏财产信托律师家属,在方敏作为美国公民被外国政府(中华人民共和国政府)代表利用广播剧肆意谩骂造谣诽谤事件中没有任何作为甚至积极参与,要求追究相应法律责任。
(报警网址:https://tips.fbi.gov/, 索引:2017年6月15日 “wood ”)
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
06-14-2017 What happened to my claimed incomes?
About my complain of income tax not under my name, what happened?
My response: I heard basic story is like this: Clear Channel Radio company give around $3 Billion check in my name to the good named accounting firm my trusted accountant recommended, and somebody in that accounting firm(s) deposit the check(s) with a Jessica's name and paid federal and MA state income tax in that same Jessica's name. Heard may under several patrons all first named Jessica.
I also heard my income from movies and other have been paid by checks all in my name and deposit in another person's name similar since 2010. Heard in the meeting of July 1st of 2004, it was already noticed there were efforts to track those companies willing to pay invention fees. Heard that $3 billion check had been split to several accounting firms. Heard State and Federal Income Tax return was done by accounting firm. Did not hear if radio company provide 1099 Form with the paycheck or never withhold tax. I did tip Law Enforcement as much as could. All possible incomes should all in meeting records as well. **Heard no tax withholding form provided by radio company.
My major featured person fee income story is all about daring and ridiculous and hard to believe. The company put aside my major feature person fee as saving since 2005, it was used(accessed) since 2013 by one accountant's unauthorized request to have some checks and made it a check account without radio company knows what happened. The radio company make efforts to retrieve those spending and recovered about $3 Billion, now the check in my name deposited by an accounting firm to another person.
----June 14th, 2017
So, basically, If there is an account number even that is a saving account, or a check even not in your name, what will happen we heard of now. I also heard, if you have a laptop impressed with possible account number information in it, you would found out you have to chase after it if you dare to put it next to you. I haven't heard what will happen to cash, but I heard what will happen about valuable papers possible hiding spots: one and half rooms bank safe boxes had been "transferred out" of this bank's property and thoroughly checked, only few jewelries mailed back to some lock-box owners. Checkbooks: I heard accounting firm employee freaked out when some people come in and grab company's checkbooks. And if you cancel checks, I heard a printing company would be called to help out by printing checks with already-known-account-number. ** I did heard about cash stories, some foreign countries central banks money in sealed-bag with original seals had been spent.
----June 14th, 2017
So, basically, If there is an account number even that is a saving account, or a check even not in your name, what will happen we heard of now. I also heard, if you have a laptop impressed with possible account number information in it, you would found out you have to chase after it if you dare to put it next to you. I haven't heard what will happen to cash, but I heard what will happen about valuable papers possible hiding spots: one and half rooms bank safe boxes had been "transferred out" of this bank's property and thoroughly checked, only few jewelries mailed back to some lock-box owners. Checkbooks: I heard accounting firm employee freaked out when some people come in and grab company's checkbooks. And if you cancel checks, I heard a printing company would be called to help out by printing checks with already-known-account-number. ** I did heard about cash stories, some foreign countries central banks money in sealed-bag with original seals had been spent.
----June 14th, 2017
I realized some Chinese community's anger regarding why I refuse to give nothing-to-do-with-me person money may because some heard my income money handsomely paying for those I-got-nothing-to-do -with people.
----June 14th, 2017
I have been in this round and round for several years now. It used to make me scram but not any more. Now I am immune of freaking out since I know it will be all right again.
----June 14th, 2017
I have been in this round and round for several years now. It used to make me scram but not any more. Now I am immune of freaking out since I know it will be all right again.
----June 14th, 2017
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
06-13-2017 (3) 澄清有关令计划的传言
06-13-2017 (2) Entertainment producing team "belittling" all of us featured
Talking about my incidence on Boston 96.9 FM, its inappropriateness was all about "belittle her" with my grand voice when her name was mentioned. That was never my intention. Just like O'Connors have their confusion, I have my anger but nothing beyond.
Yesterday, my article's title was "Is General Attorney expected an Actress now??" Heard she was red eyed all day, and I add my experience here: I have been screaming entire time since Nov. 2015.
Original producing teams of radio program were majorly composed of news reporters with some enhancement of story telling. Now is purely entertainment team to do real named person from entertainment industry professionals perspective and understanding.
----June 13th, 2017
06-13-2017 Good News and Apology
Heard General Attorney of Massachusetts ordered state police for thinvestigations of my complain.
----June 13, 2017
Apology to Senate O'Connor of Massachusetts for my inappropriateness on 96.9 FM last year.
(It was caused by my cancer medical situation that I can not control my throat area muscles. She is a fourth cousin to Tina O'Connor and she did not do anything special to agitate me, my anger then was not about her at all. I did not say anything close to accusing her at all, just the voice made the tone very inappropriate. After second time (really bad) it happened, I did stay clear of mentioning her name.)
----June 13th, 2017
----June 13, 2017
Apology to Senate O'Connor of Massachusetts for my inappropriateness on 96.9 FM last year.
(It was caused by my cancer medical situation that I can not control my throat area muscles. She is a fourth cousin to Tina O'Connor and she did not do anything special to agitate me, my anger then was not about her at all. I did not say anything close to accusing her at all, just the voice made the tone very inappropriate. After second time (really bad) it happened, I did stay clear of mentioning her name.)
----June 13th, 2017
Monday, June 12, 2017
06-12-2017 (3) 南唐后主的传说
06-12-2017 (3) 南唐后主的传说
听说在南京建都的南唐后主李煜是我的爷爷已经证实:在历史书上已经记载他是有名的“三横一纵”双掌(就是我的继承掌纹)。我知道我奶奶昭惠后周娥皇(他老婆)恢复唐玄宗李隆基所谱的霓裳羽衣曲也是历史书上记载的。我拿到的Mr. Geithner 做会计师的那个基金就是唐玄宗李隆基爷爷和杨玉环奶奶给我的。
06-12-2017 (2) My income after July 1st of 2004 is not part of entrust
Heard the anger why I imply my trusted accountants?
My response: No such implication.
In July 1st of 2004 meeting, it was discussed that before my entrusts finish I would be provided for by my income. Meaning? Before I am provided for on my daily spending by my inheritances blessed by my grandfathers, I would be provided for by my own making. So, all these income were decided not part of my entrust but managed by other accounting firms.
----June 12th, 2017.
Entire time I had thought I only got investment shares for those inventions, my BIG THANKS to all those companies gave me both. I am very happy even I heard some horrible rumors. I did call laws help to find out.
----June 12th, 2017.
My response: No such implication.
In July 1st of 2004 meeting, it was discussed that before my entrusts finish I would be provided for by my income. Meaning? Before I am provided for on my daily spending by my inheritances blessed by my grandfathers, I would be provided for by my own making. So, all these income were decided not part of my entrust but managed by other accounting firms.
----June 12th, 2017.
Entire time I had thought I only got investment shares for those inventions, my BIG THANKS to all those companies gave me both. I am very happy even I heard some horrible rumors. I did call laws help to find out.
----June 12th, 2017.
06-12-2017 Is a General Attorney expected an actress?
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "if Min Fang has income, why not paying income tax?" with the answer from MA General Attorney "She is not the person I am protecting"
My Response: I paid my income tax and is put under a Jessica's name.
I heard General Attorney of MA is protecting a woman who wants to kick my kids and me out of Charles Ford's life per David Petraeus' request. My income tax can not put under my name is for this SO GREAT reason to devoid me . If Charles Ford never had anything to do with me, like David Petraeus himself, why I can not have my own money is the only reason they can have a life well provided and I never requested? Why I am not allowed to be provided by my own money knowing they are in anywhere but not Boston where I reside? There is a State Senator O'Connor in MA.
I voice my questions here after I send FBI letters.
I: I tip the MA general office about radio company $4 Billion my major featured person fee income since 2005. I heard some of this $4 Billion has been transferred to some accounting firms. Does not matter how accounting firm try to invest this much money, Income tax has to be paid. So I assume Income tax must have been paid and wrote an email to Attorney General Office of MA. That is the income accumulated since 2005. Today I heard it is under a Jessica's name and she registered as MA resident since last year. (** Heard it was done by an accountant Mr. Knowlton).
II: After David Petraeus publicly announced on the radio he had nothing to do with me and he father Jessica's children and call her father father-in-law, why it is his business keep sending letters everywhere including to government officials to state I have no romantic relationship with another person? why it is his business? He is not writing letters about if he knew I have any inheritances as I stated him as eyewitness on my letter, he is writing letters to state about my romances, why he need to do this? His Jessica has been illegally spending my $4 Billion, that radio company put aside , since 2013 because, by rumor, that is suppose her allowance. How could possibly an rich investor's woman can have personal allowance saved in a business company? Why I am a threat as MA resident to a NYC resident Charles Ford ? And I can't even allowed to be provided by my own money because of this illusion? And helped by A General Attorney? Do I hear wrongful rumors?
----June 12th, 2017
My Response: I paid my income tax and is put under a Jessica's name.
I heard General Attorney of MA is protecting a woman who wants to kick my kids and me out of Charles Ford's life per David Petraeus' request. My income tax can not put under my name is for this SO GREAT reason to devoid me . If Charles Ford never had anything to do with me, like David Petraeus himself, why I can not have my own money is the only reason they can have a life well provided and I never requested? Why I am not allowed to be provided by my own money knowing they are in anywhere but not Boston where I reside? There is a State Senator O'Connor in MA.
I voice my questions here after I send FBI letters.
I: I tip the MA general office about radio company $4 Billion my major featured person fee income since 2005. I heard some of this $4 Billion has been transferred to some accounting firms. Does not matter how accounting firm try to invest this much money, Income tax has to be paid. So I assume Income tax must have been paid and wrote an email to Attorney General Office of MA. That is the income accumulated since 2005. Today I heard it is under a Jessica's name and she registered as MA resident since last year. (** Heard it was done by an accountant Mr. Knowlton).
II: After David Petraeus publicly announced on the radio he had nothing to do with me and he father Jessica's children and call her father father-in-law, why it is his business keep sending letters everywhere including to government officials to state I have no romantic relationship with another person? why it is his business? He is not writing letters about if he knew I have any inheritances as I stated him as eyewitness on my letter, he is writing letters to state about my romances, why he need to do this? His Jessica has been illegally spending my $4 Billion, that radio company put aside , since 2013 because, by rumor, that is suppose her allowance. How could possibly an rich investor's woman can have personal allowance saved in a business company? Why I am a threat as MA resident to a NYC resident Charles Ford ? And I can't even allowed to be provided by my own money because of this illusion? And helped by A General Attorney? Do I hear wrongful rumors?
----June 12th, 2017
I send this blog article with June 3rd post "Not a Joke" to email address ago@state.ma.us
I noted in the letter I can not hear the broadcasting on my own clock radio is not from my willingness. (I did turn on my clock radio and car radio in the past to channel 106.7FM from 5AM to 7AM, I do not hear the program and I was never informed what has been the channel.)
----June 12th, 2017
Sunday, June 11, 2017
06-11-2017 (3) 我的演技和演艺学校的没法比
听说国内演艺圈有个说法“我是把演技应用到生活中才”红“了, 其实什么都不是”。
我大学本科专业是药理(化学,药学和医学教育), 硕士研究生是电脑科学(电子,物理及电脑科技), 现在在读的是工商管理硕士(MBA, 经济,财务会计及资金运作)。我从来都是专业科技人士而非演艺人士。我的钱财不是自己凭科技知识挣的,就是继承家里的。
我自己是个文学爱好者,家里爷爷们都有才华(我父亲文笔也很好),家里的奶奶们美女众多(我妈妈也很漂亮), 而我也都继承到了一些是造成误会的原因。
我大学本科专业是药理(化学,药学和医学教育), 硕士研究生是电脑科学(电子,物理及电脑科技), 现在在读的是工商管理硕士(MBA, 经济,财务会计及资金运作)。我从来都是专业科技人士而非演艺人士。我的钱财不是自己凭科技知识挣的,就是继承家里的。
我自己是个文学爱好者,家里爷爷们都有才华(我父亲文笔也很好),家里的奶奶们美女众多(我妈妈也很漂亮), 而我也都继承到了一些是造成误会的原因。
06-11-2017 (2)究竟谁在煽动国人对我继承财产的愤怒
我方敏是在海外继承,在海外生活, 中国大陆的国人是看不着也摸不到,那来的那份愤怒?方家亲眷就和我所继承的基金公司员工一样,不管是谁在吵,都是没他们什么事,没他们该有钱的资格,就是没他们任何事。河南李姓人士也就是有一封信(公元1950年的)成为中国政府制定的唐王李世民(公元700)继承人,即使是按照中华人民共和国自己制定的法律也是没有任何法律效因。(见下附英文翻译)。
大陆那些国人哪来的那份资格直着嗓门的嘶吼:"你凭什么有钱?" 花不到我的钱还气得不行,那架势摆明了就是:法律不准他们花我的钱就是不行。谁在煽动?谁在撑腰? 谁在表达“只要有中华人民共和国政府在,我方敏就必须给他们拿份他们想要的钱?” 海外华人除了参与脑控癌治疗的那些,也都是只听说没见过。华人参与治疗人员也是,只要是大陆的,有些就是同样愤怒。我和他们一点关系都没有,就是够资格花我的钱,就是够资格愤怒。他们还想办法在治疗收费上耍花招,好在医院及所在系统很正规完全不用我担心。----2011年6月11日。
我方敏是在海外继承,在海外生活, 中国大陆的国人是看不着也摸不到,那来的那份愤怒?方家亲眷就和我所继承的基金公司员工一样,不管是谁在吵,都是没他们什么事,没他们该有钱的资格,就是没他们任何事。河南李姓人士也就是有一封信(公元1950年的)成为中国政府制定的唐王李世民(公元700)继承人,即使是按照中华人民共和国自己制定的法律也是没有任何法律效因。(见下附英文翻译)。
大陆那些国人哪来的那份资格直着嗓门的嘶吼:"你凭什么有钱?" 花不到我的钱还气得不行,那架势摆明了就是:法律不准他们花我的钱就是不行。谁在煽动?谁在撑腰? 谁在表达“只要有中华人民共和国政府在,我方敏就必须给他们拿份他们想要的钱?” 海外华人除了参与脑控癌治疗的那些,也都是只听说没见过。华人参与治疗人员也是,只要是大陆的,有些就是同样愤怒。我和他们一点关系都没有,就是够资格花我的钱,就是够资格愤怒。他们还想办法在治疗收费上耍花招,好在医院及所在系统很正规完全不用我担心。----2011年6月11日。
The reason I should take it easy (translation from yesterday's blog article)
According my screams, that fund is my grandfather’s money I inherited by laws; According to O'Connor families' confusion, that fund should be owned by their grandfather's letter; According to some Chinese frustrations, that fund's ownership should already have changed by a "hello" phone call they made. According to all staffs and those over 400 colleagues Attorney O'Connor had worked with almost 200 years ago, they are(were) just money makers, letter readers, phone pickup-ers and harsh education deserved recipients, at most some bonus or tips and the rest just nothing to do with them(Just like my same last name cousins). (published on June 3, 2017)
这段英文讲的就是:按照我的说法:我是作为血缘继承人按照我爷爷遗嘱继承我爷爷的钱设立的基金而合法拥有基金财产;按照O'Connor家的困扰: 他们是因为他们爷爷写的一封信而认定基金财产应该归他们所有;按照一些华人的愤怒纠结(广播剧已反映):他们明明有给基金公司的电话号码打过Hello问候电话,怎么基金财产的拥有权还没有更改?对基金公司现任员工及当年(近200年前)和O’Connor律师一起工作的400多名员工来说:他们是负责挣钱的一群人,他们是读那封信的一群人,他们是接那电话的一群人,他们是应该被所有人教训的一群人,最多拿到点奖金和小费,其他(包括财产拥有权)和他们是一点关系都没有的一群人。(他们就和方家亲眷一样,谁吵都没他们任何事)(2017年6月3日发布)
06-11-2017 Happy Father's Day
To the father of my children:
"Happy Father's Day"
Thanks very much for taking good care of kids and mother them when I am not around. Thanks very much for being the one contribute your best to have them and to raise them.
To the grandfather of my children:
Happy Father's Day;
BIG THANKS and great appreciation for loving and helping taking care of my kids when I am not around.
To all fathers I have work relationship with:
Happy Father's Day.
"Happy Father's Day"
Thanks very much for taking good care of kids and mother them when I am not around. Thanks very much for being the one contribute your best to have them and to raise them.
To the grandfather of my children:
Happy Father's Day;
BIG THANKS and great appreciation for loving and helping taking care of my kids when I am not around.
To all fathers I have work relationship with:
Happy Father's Day.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
06-10-2017 (2) I voice my saying 我的说法
Heard some questions "If Knowltons‘ rumor is true, why is it my business to spell it?
My saying: I assumed they are, at least, part of major reasons I am shitted all over worldwide beyond radio program. They, I assumed, as accountants funded those performances (drama club) worldwide handsomely as long as those radio program promotional performances are to shit me. It is definitely my business to spell it to save myself. I have this huge problem with them, if rumor is true, they should know I didn't use his money, why they shitted me like so?
----June 10, 2017
我的说法:投诉?你听听: 中国政府组织人力物力远隔重洋来吃1991年的醋;我曾向纽约中领馆投诉有人以他们名义要钱,你听到他们在广播上的嘶吼是我凭什么说自己有钱; 中国政府坚决支持这种”吃不着葡萄就说葡萄是酸的“做法;口口声声以中国政府名义,却没有任何以事实为依据,没有正面积极讲法律的说法,就是踩死你,剁死你,你以为你是谁的吆喝。我就只能是说整个就是下三滥的婊子妓女地痞流氓做法, 同时以美国公民身份在美国报警。
My saying: I assumed they are, at least, part of major reasons I am shitted all over worldwide beyond radio program. They, I assumed, as accountants funded those performances (drama club) worldwide handsomely as long as those radio program promotional performances are to shit me. It is definitely my business to spell it to save myself. I have this huge problem with them, if rumor is true, they should know I didn't use his money, why they shitted me like so?
----June 10, 2017
我的说法:投诉?你听听: 中国政府组织人力物力远隔重洋来吃1991年的醋;我曾向纽约中领馆投诉有人以他们名义要钱,你听到他们在广播上的嘶吼是我凭什么说自己有钱; 中国政府坚决支持这种”吃不着葡萄就说葡萄是酸的“做法;口口声声以中国政府名义,却没有任何以事实为依据,没有正面积极讲法律的说法,就是踩死你,剁死你,你以为你是谁的吆喝。我就只能是说整个就是下三滥的婊子妓女地痞流氓做法, 同时以美国公民身份在美国报警。
06-10-2017 I voice my questions
Heard this morning's broadcasting voiced my question.
My response: I repeat here what I myself asked on the radio: "If you mother his childre(ren) already and knowing I had nothing to do with him for the past 10-12 years, why nothing to do is not enough but kill me is enough? " (Not the exact wording.)
This has been the question in my head since I heard the rumor she mother his child(ren). He is the one know I have my own money since Christmas day of 2014 since my own money paying my medical treatment, why he supported her since Nov 2015? Those wrong educations of I have no money can be corrected if he did not help her organize those outbursts since 2015.
She may have confused if I ever spent his money on July 1st of 2004, but why she did not get over it after she spent much more of his money on grant (rumored she is the one granted the education grant)?
If you know everything I have been through , you won't say this is only a show. You already heard on the radio those anger outburst-ed from Boston, MA government officials where I have been resident of since 2004. All those announced, those who should own my which inheritance and how I should be killed by bacterial infection, means "should become real in reality" through tons of efforts is the reason I take it as killing.
----June 10th, 2015
Heard some ladies keep saying" what's the big deal of this?"
My response: "why she herself can not even be spat on?"
Why British Royal have to help that famous her to file lawsuits, retrieved all those photographs and sent that photographer to prison if that's nothing at all? I myself was not all "naked seducing". I myself was living my own life on my own money, provided by US government's help as agreed upon. Why laws are needed if nothing wrong at all?
By the way, if anyone says that incident is the reason she deserved to let her voice be heard, I have to ask who did that to her? why she threw her anger at me? I did not speculate any such thing in 2004 any conference meetings. And I did say if he choose to marry her, then marry her in July 1st of 2004's conference meeting. I did not take that public wedding or naked photo incidence as a show performance. I did hear some rumors after radio program's 2013 broadcasting confusion. I did not know anything beyond what has been published.
----June 10th, 2015
My response: I repeat here what I myself asked on the radio: "If you mother his childre(ren) already and knowing I had nothing to do with him for the past 10-12 years, why nothing to do is not enough but kill me is enough? " (Not the exact wording.)
This has been the question in my head since I heard the rumor she mother his child(ren). He is the one know I have my own money since Christmas day of 2014 since my own money paying my medical treatment, why he supported her since Nov 2015? Those wrong educations of I have no money can be corrected if he did not help her organize those outbursts since 2015.
She may have confused if I ever spent his money on July 1st of 2004, but why she did not get over it after she spent much more of his money on grant (rumored she is the one granted the education grant)?
If you know everything I have been through , you won't say this is only a show. You already heard on the radio those anger outburst-ed from Boston, MA government officials where I have been resident of since 2004. All those announced, those who should own my which inheritance and how I should be killed by bacterial infection, means "should become real in reality" through tons of efforts is the reason I take it as killing.
----June 10th, 2015
Heard some ladies keep saying" what's the big deal of this?"
My response: "why she herself can not even be spat on?"
Why British Royal have to help that famous her to file lawsuits, retrieved all those photographs and sent that photographer to prison if that's nothing at all? I myself was not all "naked seducing". I myself was living my own life on my own money, provided by US government's help as agreed upon. Why laws are needed if nothing wrong at all?
By the way, if anyone says that incident is the reason she deserved to let her voice be heard, I have to ask who did that to her? why she threw her anger at me? I did not speculate any such thing in 2004 any conference meetings. And I did say if he choose to marry her, then marry her in July 1st of 2004's conference meeting. I did not take that public wedding or naked photo incidence as a show performance. I did hear some rumors after radio program's 2013 broadcasting confusion. I did not know anything beyond what has been published.
----June 10th, 2015
Friday, June 9, 2017
06-09-2017 (2) Not my money
Heard this morning "No Argument" about spending money on "People's Interest" to serve the people.
My response: This is not about my money. Public servants are government officials in China, in Britain or in US. They all have each government's Federal Reserve or equivalent to spend on people's interests. It is their jobs to protect private wealth to be spent lawfully as owners' own wish.
----June 9th, 2017
Why this need a military personnel, retired or not, to state "No Argument".
My response: From Chinese slang. In ancient China, a military personnel means "never educated and can not read which certainly means no way to understand anything that is close to reasoning". So, "No arguments" means it is just wasting of your own time and energy to argue but get irritated or agitated.
Possible questions: "Will that have any impact on the matters being broadcast-ed this morning?"
My response: "Other than make this person who is an IVY college graduated feel stupid, I would say that certainly nothing would be impacted by this "featured slang expression".
----June 9th, 2017
My response: This is not about my money. Public servants are government officials in China, in Britain or in US. They all have each government's Federal Reserve or equivalent to spend on people's interests. It is their jobs to protect private wealth to be spent lawfully as owners' own wish.
----June 9th, 2017
Why this need a military personnel, retired or not, to state "No Argument".
My response: From Chinese slang. In ancient China, a military personnel means "never educated and can not read which certainly means no way to understand anything that is close to reasoning". So, "No arguments" means it is just wasting of your own time and energy to argue but get irritated or agitated.
Possible questions: "Will that have any impact on the matters being broadcast-ed this morning?"
My response: "Other than make this person who is an IVY college graduated feel stupid, I would say that certainly nothing would be impacted by this "featured slang expression".
----June 9th, 2017
06-09-2017 Science Academy families
I grew up with my parents in Chinese Science Academy dormitory apartment complex. All around me are the people so enjoy simple regulated life, any neighbor's chatting always start with " I analyze it as such.."
Analyze is for anything and everything. Life crisis or kids being naughty got trouble in school, produces prices on farmers' market or some neighbors got couple's fight, arguing or reasoning, always having a " I analyze it as such.." with plenty evidences to support expressions and professional trend analysis skills to speculate matter's possible developing directions.
Best example of what is would be like being a kid grew up with this group of people, after 30 years and now live abroad, we are still trembling about scheme PRC80 (what happened in 1980s). Most of us never actually experienced anything that sort of, but with the good understandings of possible risks analysis from this group, we all so fully aware how horrible it would be and we all taught to alert parents if we encounter any suspicion matters of these kind. What made us as kids feel even more helpless is that we all knew as kids informing our parents would only make them just join us to make the whole family bewildered what to do about it hopelessly. So, the result is we are sill trembling after thirty years, parents are still "securing" everything they can even living abroad including waiting for the mailman daily in mail-room without expecting deliveries.
There are happy ones in this group. I like to say you are happy wife if you let a scientist fall in love with you; You can buy the house absolutely as you wish as long as he can afford, you can run the house absolutely as you wish as long as he got his desk and space to pile his books; You can feed the family as you desire after he thoroughly inspect the authentication part of kids' blood at their birth and won't complain a bit as long as his kids are laughing. All his income is your's to manage as long as you are faithful to this marriage, but if you are proved not good at numbers, you will certainly lose "calculating number" job and would be chased after if changes do not match the spending, but exchange goods with money would always be your job. The only disadvantage part is you are the sole runner of the house and no one in your marriage family would understand you if you ever complain about this.
----June 9th, 2017
Analyze is for anything and everything. Life crisis or kids being naughty got trouble in school, produces prices on farmers' market or some neighbors got couple's fight, arguing or reasoning, always having a " I analyze it as such.." with plenty evidences to support expressions and professional trend analysis skills to speculate matter's possible developing directions.
Best example of what is would be like being a kid grew up with this group of people, after 30 years and now live abroad, we are still trembling about scheme PRC80 (what happened in 1980s). Most of us never actually experienced anything that sort of, but with the good understandings of possible risks analysis from this group, we all so fully aware how horrible it would be and we all taught to alert parents if we encounter any suspicion matters of these kind. What made us as kids feel even more helpless is that we all knew as kids informing our parents would only make them just join us to make the whole family bewildered what to do about it hopelessly. So, the result is we are sill trembling after thirty years, parents are still "securing" everything they can even living abroad including waiting for the mailman daily in mail-room without expecting deliveries.
There are happy ones in this group. I like to say you are happy wife if you let a scientist fall in love with you; You can buy the house absolutely as you wish as long as he can afford, you can run the house absolutely as you wish as long as he got his desk and space to pile his books; You can feed the family as you desire after he thoroughly inspect the authentication part of kids' blood at their birth and won't complain a bit as long as his kids are laughing. All his income is your's to manage as long as you are faithful to this marriage, but if you are proved not good at numbers, you will certainly lose "calculating number" job and would be chased after if changes do not match the spending, but exchange goods with money would always be your job. The only disadvantage part is you are the sole runner of the house and no one in your marriage family would understand you if you ever complain about this.
----June 9th, 2017
Thursday, June 8, 2017
06-08-2017 True Statement and others
Heard about this morning's radio program broadcasting:
Heard this morning David Petraeus' message addressed to me " You don't have to be in my life".
My response: "True statement".
----June 8th, 2017
Heard a Chinese voice announced this morning I am no comparison to his own wife.
My response: You yourself is already a shit only, not need to compare me to your pig only.
----June 8th, 2017
Heard a her complaining this morning why she can't spend my money.
My response: If I am the one she addressed, the answer is "No willingness and no obligation or responsibility."
---- June 8th, 2017
Heard complain from Chinese community that why I keep saying Charles Ford knowing on the radio announced no such person.
My response: That is the huge problem I have with this radio program. Confusions among audiences are intentionally caused by radio program and I assumed his former roommate Tina O'Connor and some others personal reasons cause all this.. This person's own announcement was broadcast-ed by the same radio program several years ago, recent one is the contradict impossibly can be from the same person.
----June 8th, 2017
Possible question: "Is there any possible indecency in this confusion".
My response: I do not know. I assumed there may even have criminal activities in there. So, I respond best with " It is what it is and I called FBI for help to find out."
----June 8th, 2017
Heard this morning David Petraeus' message addressed to me " You don't have to be in my life".
My response: "True statement".
----June 8th, 2017
Heard a Chinese voice announced this morning I am no comparison to his own wife.
My response: You yourself is already a shit only, not need to compare me to your pig only.
----June 8th, 2017
Heard a her complaining this morning why she can't spend my money.
My response: If I am the one she addressed, the answer is "No willingness and no obligation or responsibility."
---- June 8th, 2017
Heard complain from Chinese community that why I keep saying Charles Ford knowing on the radio announced no such person.
My response: That is the huge problem I have with this radio program. Confusions among audiences are intentionally caused by radio program and I assumed his former roommate Tina O'Connor and some others personal reasons cause all this.. This person's own announcement was broadcast-ed by the same radio program several years ago, recent one is the contradict impossibly can be from the same person.
----June 8th, 2017
Possible question: "Is there any possible indecency in this confusion".
My response: I do not know. I assumed there may even have criminal activities in there. So, I respond best with " It is what it is and I called FBI for help to find out."
----June 8th, 2017
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
06-07-2017 MA Income Tax
Heard this morning broadcasting is I need to pay MA tax as resident to be demanding.
My response: Willingly. I did tip MA general attorney's office about my possible income. In the past, I thought I only got inheritances to eligible for federal investor tax but my inheritances do have a lot of investments in MA.
Possible question: "What are possible incomes if you do not have salary income for quite sometime but live on government welfare".
My response: I don't think I ever lived on public welfare. My current providing was the agreement reached on July 1st of 2004 in the meeting I entrusted my wealth.
Some possible income I tipped from the same meeting: radio program major featured person fee (rumored accumulated to $4 Billion now), some movies I participated creating(creation fee): Avatar, 007 Sky Fall, 007 Quantum, Australia, Cloud Map, etc.
Some possible income: from participating invention of nowadays popular(invention fee): smartphone, wipes series.
Other possibles from similar patent related income: no-water-tank toilet seat, etc.
----June 7th, 2017
My response: Willingly. I did tip MA general attorney's office about my possible income. In the past, I thought I only got inheritances to eligible for federal investor tax but my inheritances do have a lot of investments in MA.
Possible question: "What are possible incomes if you do not have salary income for quite sometime but live on government welfare".
My response: I don't think I ever lived on public welfare. My current providing was the agreement reached on July 1st of 2004 in the meeting I entrusted my wealth.
Some possible income I tipped from the same meeting: radio program major featured person fee (rumored accumulated to $4 Billion now), some movies I participated creating(creation fee): Avatar, 007 Sky Fall, 007 Quantum, Australia, Cloud Map, etc.
Some possible income: from participating invention of nowadays popular(invention fee): smartphone, wipes series.
Other possibles from similar patent related income: no-water-tank toilet seat, etc.
----June 7th, 2017
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
06-06-2017 (2) Do you have anything you like to say?
I speak up for myself as major featured person, do you have anything you want to say about related matters? I am not sure how many people read this blog, can I ask radio program producers to consider how to "let's hear your opinions" you published on your blogs as audience or as featured stories insiders?
----June 6th, 2017
----June 6th, 2017
06-06-2017 Let me explain my dirty swearing
Glad to hear Jess and Jessica, from original producing team, are announced starting participating radio program's producing.
----June 6th, 2017
Heard Jessica's anger of my swearing on Boston 96.9 FM.
My response: I was really angry for what happened on the radio. She kept saying her deserved right of having radio microphone from being her husband's wife caused my high pitched anger explosion.
Let me try to explain myself. She is beloved wife to her husband and her husband is the one and only beloved child of her father in law. Will it be appropriate for her to go into her father in law's residence and tell her father in law's wife to get out of the building because her husband was born in her father in law's house and she is her husband's spoiled wife.
What cause me scream is she walked into radio company as her husband's wife and fired entire original producing team and entire supervision(management) team. The firings were "all effective" because everybody thought either that was new CEO's decision or she was sent by board of directors. I, myself, became "beggar" in audience after two years radio program's education(2014-2015) and everything I am not(Nov. 2015 - now, right? I am still doubtfully having any money person, right?). That was the day I heard of this.
She is a spoiled wife to her husband, and her husband a very important person, but she was not employed and she was not sent by Board of Directors. Plus, Board of directors can only talk to the CEO about their opinions of this radio program and let CEO take appropriate actions, not direct interfere a company's business as usual like this.
----June 6th, 2017
** I heard CEO did not participate any firing or any promoting or hiring. He just saw some people left offices and offices being occupied again. Heard she did have some nice chat with CEO before she "took actions".
----June 6th, 2017
----June 6th, 2017
Heard Jessica's anger of my swearing on Boston 96.9 FM.
My response: I was really angry for what happened on the radio. She kept saying her deserved right of having radio microphone from being her husband's wife caused my high pitched anger explosion.
Let me try to explain myself. She is beloved wife to her husband and her husband is the one and only beloved child of her father in law. Will it be appropriate for her to go into her father in law's residence and tell her father in law's wife to get out of the building because her husband was born in her father in law's house and she is her husband's spoiled wife.
What cause me scream is she walked into radio company as her husband's wife and fired entire original producing team and entire supervision(management) team. The firings were "all effective" because everybody thought either that was new CEO's decision or she was sent by board of directors. I, myself, became "beggar" in audience after two years radio program's education(2014-2015) and everything I am not(Nov. 2015 - now, right? I am still doubtfully having any money person, right?). That was the day I heard of this.
She is a spoiled wife to her husband, and her husband a very important person, but she was not employed and she was not sent by Board of Directors. Plus, Board of directors can only talk to the CEO about their opinions of this radio program and let CEO take appropriate actions, not direct interfere a company's business as usual like this.
----June 6th, 2017
** I heard CEO did not participate any firing or any promoting or hiring. He just saw some people left offices and offices being occupied again. Heard she did have some nice chat with CEO before she "took actions".
----June 6th, 2017
Monday, June 5, 2017
06-05-2017 (2) 为什么是我们给吓傻了
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