
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Confusion about this blog's publishing

About my five announced 400Million payment, ①The third payment is from Rupuk Trust(李璟信托)。Min Rupuk is my birth name, Rupuk became a family name since the 1000 year ago Jewish marriage from Uighur area(新疆维吾尔族地区). ②The fourth payment is from Mercedes Trust, Min Mercedes is my birth name from a 500 hundred years ago Oldenburg-Mercedes marriage, Min Oldenburg is also my birth name. ③ The fifth payment is from Marcus Trust, Min Marcus is my birth name since the 400 years ago Stuart-Marcus marriage, Min Stuart is also my birth name. (05-22-2021)

Both the authenticness of my biological family and the lawfulness of all my financial incomes have been law investigated with factual truth-based conclusions. Issues with Chinese People and Chinese Community: Some of them are not demanding their fairness of what they should have earned from the LAW, some of them are not demanding their lawful inheriting share from their own biological and lawful marriage family, all these people are just demanding money as the desire of wish to own money, and with a tone that they are doing such a charity to only demand majority of what I lawfully own without taking my entire family's lives with the lawful wealth entirely.  I refused their charitable thoughts and action of such granted attitude to threaten my life and my lawful private wealth, I have asked LAW protection, and I truly believe they deserve law bullets in their heads to learn something.

To those academic veterans regarding if fair evaluation on the patent award: If you have received your copy of the evaluation report, you can check: ①how your award is evaluated and if it is a fair number, If my contribution helped you to be awarded, your own number will be discounted to reflect my contribution with your acknowledgment if fair at the evaluation committee meeting. I got nothing to do with anyone else. ②if your team's number is a fair number in your unit, ③ if your unit has a fair number in your division, and etc. All listed in your copy of the evaluation report. If you have any reasonable doubts about any of these numbers fairness, contact the 1800 number listed in the same copy of the evaluation report. About if I got my share fair? I don't think I got my number unreasonably and I am happy with what I got, but if any doubts are lawfully reasonable, fair evaluation matters is what I believe as well.


standard pad surgery for pandemic prevention (in person),6:30AM to 10PM,M-F daily available,currently open to government employee medical insurance. participating medical center: Alliance,Brigham,Cleveland,Deaconess,Eliazbeth. 
  • ①check participating local medical centers, and commercial sponsorship information if needed, from your health department colleagues, 
  • ②make appointments to the preferred medical center, special attention: sameday appoinntments are available now already since this April in Europe, Asia, Canada, USA.

A lot Hispanics wonder how I can be the only person to claim the ownership of the commercial landlot that my current residence locates? Answer: Because I am the sole beneficiary of a trust-investor of the landlot's owner company, the trust was set up by my ancient grandfather'Young Rupuk at about AD 1000. He was Southern Tang dynasty Emperor Jing Lee, Rupuk is his Uighur-mother‘s maiden name I inherited. Rupuk trust is my 2016-2017's $400Million living expense provider trust.  这是我博客上经常提到的自1967年7月开始汇款中国的那个美国公司的投资信托,也是我2016年至2017年四亿美金生活费的支付信托。就是位于南京的南唐中主李璟的英文名字,Rupuk是他继承的他维吾尔族妈妈的娘家姓氏,我在2004年继承。

To police officers regarding identity fraud and money lawful ownership: I am asking help on anti-harassment regarding remote medical treatement session that constantly being harassed becuase of the doubts if self-paid funding is lawful. It has been very harassive because there is a somebody constantly calling own private police officer friends who is not a local police officer that having the legitimate policing power to inquiry such citizen-obligational doubts on behave of this somebody in the medical provider facility, nor an investigator who has the legitimate investigation power to have some information authentic enough about this doubt, so I am asking all possible helps to help me to have a non-interrupptive medical session.
-- Min Fang (Min Fone, Min Lee), 06/14/2020

About authoritive denial of my biological family's history: Rumored Boston Magic 106.7FM weekends night-time-host James O'Neal is biological related to someone was from Shanghai Russian Prince Estate of 1900 times, I say to this Jamoe O'Neal: If authoritive denial has been from this "related to" reasons, I tip in authenticate information as following: 
  • From his Russian royal birth certificate, the boy's name was Alexander Ohnmor, his birth mother was Therese Petrovna Oldenburg Romanovsky, the boy Alexander Onhmor's birth father was Prince George of Russia. The boy born in 1894 was my great-grandfather who had a Chinese name 方蓠其, his birthmother (Russian Mistress) also had a Chinese maiden grandfather 蔚先, a Chinese maiden father 蔚前 and herself a Chinese name 蔚蓉, who was also known for her cat-yellow eyes and Asian smooth skin to both her maiden family-inlaws and those in Russian Prince Estate in Shanghai. I have inherited Ohnmor name  in 2004 from my ancient Mongol grandmother Yuelun Ohnmor (m. in 1260AD, Kublai Khan's daughter), her husband used Fone(方)as his surname which has been my family name, me and my father have used "Fang" as "方" translation, the same Fone grandfathers were all a heir-grandson to Chinese Emperor Li, Shimin (唐太宗李世民) that I claimed I am a heir-girl of since 2004.
----Nov. 16th, 2020

Chronicle Note _ My Ancestors 09/12/2020

Regarding anxiety angers from individually owned companies: 
  • You company should have a company registration license that clearly listed your ownership that I have nothing to do with.
  • I am the birthmark beneficiary of some ancient Trusts, any confusion regarding any investing- company's ownership is historically known to every related confused party, which should be nothing new, not beneficiary person particular, and not related to who beneficiary person is.
  • 10/27/2020
What "This American company never change hand for 600 years alreadymeans? The big American rich name who came to this land in 1650AD as the first generation immigrants were cousins from a shared grandfather that was only in-100-years, which means that all current American richname-cousins are offspring and family inherited from this one shared grandfather of 500 years ago, so that "600 hundred years never owned by a name" means the in-interest wealth has been for 600 years never owned by this shared one grandfather of all current children of this big rich name. It is the same to all 2004 related three American rich names. -- 08/24/2020





Relationship between Trust, Investment, Wealth, Beneficiary

About curiosity regarding exactly whose wealth I have been claiming all these years? 
  •  I have been claiming my own Missy Fone's wealth!
  • It is very easy to verify if all those five years' providing Trusts I have claimed have been my Missy Fone's (Missy Lee's) wealth since 2004.
  • Family name changed from Lee (李) to Fone(方) around 1100AD (--06/13/2020).
The entire time, I have been introduced as 方家小姐(Missy Fang) but nobody realized I am actually introduced as Missy Fone. 

Fang is the People's republic of China's standard translation for 方,by my family use Fone since Kublai Khan's daughter Yunelun Ohnmor's husband Lin Fone who is one of my birthmark ancestors, his wife Yuelun Ohnmor has been verifed by US Justice Department as my birth grandmother ancestor, Yuelun's son is my next generation birthmark grandfather ancestor.

So, I am Missy Fone and I have been claiming my own Missy Fone wealth. It is very easy to verify if all those five years' providing Trusts I have claimed have been my Missy Fone's (Missy Lee's) wealth since 2004.

----April 22, 2020.

Basic Medical System are the full set of pre-quisite courses for clinical medicine major's specialty courses, so, no certificate after finishing all BMS courses but has valid transcript as the evidences of the qualification for futher specialty medicine major courses. I took all these courses, as part of the 1985 admission's pharmacology major class, with medicine major students in the sanme classroom, by same professors, in the same lab, and taking same exams.
  • *Specialty clinical medicine courses are generic surgery, specialty surgery, pediatrics, Urology, Obstetrics and Gynecology(OB/GYN), etc,
  • * Pandemic-medicine school has its own medical related prequisites, but not the Basic Medical System and not provided by the clinical medicine school . 
    • In Shanghai Medical University, pharmacy major's medical prequisite are provided by Pandemic-medicine school.

About concerns over COVID-19:
I also believe in drinking half a cup of 10% saline water to do the full body cleanse if needed, but I strictly follow what my body desires that I will drink the full half cup only if I felt it is so delicious, which definitely means my body needs such cleanse (a bit or a quarter cup more if too delicious, and may be another half cup after five hours if still felt so delicious), and I will put on an extra layer to comfort my body when it turns to a slow mechanism to do the body-cleansing job. *Concerns are all about the cardio system and blood pressure. **10% saline water does mean 1 portion salt with 9 portion water. YOu can try to put some of this 10% saline water for your family beloved pet, see if they feel it delicious as well, please besure to have their water bowl fully filled.
----April 15th, 2020

Like a lot of kitchen people believe in baking soda, I totally believe in salt. I use ancient wound-cleanse antibacteria effective saline water (5% salt in distilled water or warm boiled water, 2 tsp per quarter),  to clean my kitchen, spray on grocery shopping bags, and do grocery preparing-wash. And I even bought a salt-inhaler (a asthma-patient-usage nebulizer, or a Mini Humidifier) so I can inhale some (5% saline salt-water fog) into my breathing system if necessary (*"No food or drink rule" applies for 30 minutes after each inhale-cleanse application of nebulizer treatment). ----March 21st, 2020

1:The confusion if my 2004's Trust-inheriting can be valid.
  • Related clarifications are in the numeric section “June of 2007's meeting” of <Three meetings in 2007 and related if I inherited confusion>, just scroll down to that numeric section.
  • It is best to ask your own private friend who is in the attorney profession to read it as well.
  • ---- January 11th, 2020
To law professionals:
There has been doubts if I am spending my own money on my remote-type medical care, and what has been clarified by Federal Justice Department as I known of?

My answer: What I heard is: $400Million and related other payments for each of these five years I published has been verified as lawful money source, lawful given, and lawful investor tax rate. The third year's providing-Trust I published has been verified as birthmark Trust-inheriting Trust. The third year means fiscal year started on October 1 of 2016.

The current confusion is if my current medical payment has been from this published five years, and if lawful if not one of the published five.  This confusion has caused a lot of employes of FBI agency and of Federal Justice department from Cinese community to be harassive and interruptive on my remote-type medical treatment. My complain is that this harassive and interruptive is beyond the disciplines of this two government agencies, and it has been unbearable to me.

So, I say, Can this generic legal concern be managed according to FBI and Justice Department's work protocols and disciplines? Those Chinese agents use their employment statuses to unauthorizely but forcefully stop my regular medical treatment has been very harmful to my biological health, not to mention how more harmful it can be from their enthusiam to conduct voluntary investiongation violently.

And, can medical providers' generic legal concern regarding if only making lawful money be addressed according to these licensed medical providers' standard procedures and protocols? Is it possible that medical and supporting staffs can imagine that they actual have some law professionals who work as their colleague(s) to protect them from this sort of concerns?

I refuse to receive voluntary & donation based medical care when I have my self-paid medicare availabe as lawful medicare program. So, from now on, I will address my patient-requests to self-pay remote-medical program that I am lawfully enrolled and has been supported by the  US law representive FBI Agency and Federal Justice Department.

1:The confusion if my 2004's Trust-inheriting can be valid.
  • Related clarifications are in the numeric section “June of 2007's meeting” of <Three meetings in 2007 and related if I inherited confusion>, just scroll down to that numeric section.
  • It is best to ask your own private friend who is in the attorney profession to read it as well.
  • ---- January 11th, 2020

1-1: If curious how I got stuck in the "public denials" while Rockefellers got stuck in so many anxieties?
  • It was since the famous "marriage proposal discussion" on July 1st of 2004 when a handsome young Mr. Rockfeller was teased.
  • The innocent Mr. Rockefeller can not understand how it can be so unfair for a lady bride-to-be to bring her maiden family's same-size-wealth blessing to pass-down to her own blood birth-children but carry the groom's family name. 
  • The laugh was all around when the lady "bride-to-be" was negotiating, if getting married, how to self-indulge her-own-wealth while letting the "groom-to-be" to pay for all the thinkable and unthinkable for the entire marriage family for the years to come. 
  • Well, the "tragedy moment" happened when some Chinese parachutes jumped into the conversation to be the replacements of Rockefellers' such spending recipients, maybe from their understanding that negotiator does not have any wealth to be this teasing. 
  • Since that moment, I was completely dropped out of such conversation and got lost in the confusion and the public denial about if I have my own wealth from my Chinese birth grandfathers, while the entire Rockefeller names stuck in the bewilderment of why spending for years to come? 
  • This has been for the past big 15 years already. I still need to explain if I have my own money, while Rockefellers still fighting why it has to be their money to be spent? 
  • If you luckily still have that 07/01/2004's meeting-record, please verify this negotiation out and its prelude and its postlude, for some laughs and for some alerts.
  • It is best to ask your own private friend who is in the attorney profession to read it as well.
  • ----January 14th, 2020.
2:The confusion about if I published any Rockefellers' money as I claimed.
No, I did not publish any Rockefellers' money as I claimed.

All those companies I claimed have been doubted if this or that name's family wealth, the particular is the "Pejovic" company that I claimed as the third year's providing instruction company. This "Pejovic" company has never been owned by the "Pejovic" family historically has been clarified so that this company is not Rockefeller in-law's family wealth.

All those companies I claimed are not Rockefeller money because
  • Each of all of those companies I claimed is not owned by any individual Rockefeller's name as an individual investment.
  • Each of all of those companies I claimed is not owned by Rockefeller's names as the family names' shared investments.
  • Each of all of those companies I claimed has never been owned by any Rockefeller's in-law's family names as the in-law's family names' shared investments.
  • I am the Narylhn Khan has been verified, which proved that my wealth is from my birthmark Trust-inheriting has been the real story since 800 years ago.   
  • Reference: The confusion if I am an heir to ancient Chinese Emperors
  • 我是乌纳可汗,这一身份被证实为真实有效究竟意味着什么?很简单的,这意味着我的财产来自家族胎记为条件的信托继承的说法从此有了事实上的依据,以胎记做为继承条件不只是那些我近代的爷爷们给我的信托。乌玉的方姓丈夫和乌玉的方姓儿子是我的两代方家家族胎记祖先,我承载他们父子两代也拥有的方家家族胎记是乌玉儿子指定我为乌玉的可汗爵位继承人的原因,乌玉是1260AD年代的历史人物忽必烈可汗的亲生女儿(不是孙女儿)。
----October 3rd, 2019

3:The confusion about O'Connor's family name
There has been a lot of anger from O'Connor regarding my mentioning O'Connor names on my web blog. The reason I have to update my blog is to clarify some "why mention?", all the reason has been that I have been confronted fiercely or commented negatively, by O'Connor name's affiliated, regarding my inherited wealth I stated in my blog articles. So, I list my reasons why I agree there shouldn't be any mentioning for both parties:

1) After the 2017's clarification of the American company's ownership as both don't own, that there shouldn't have any reason for any O'Connor affiliated to be confused about me stating my inherited wealth, nor for me to mention O'Connor name, which purely because I am not socially nor professionally associated with O'Connor name at all.

2) After the 2017's clarification of the American company's ownership as both don't own, there should be no reason for me to be agitated regarding O'Connor name's family wealth, and there should be no reason for any O'Connor's name affiliated to be confused with my money and my money spending-ship, purely because O'Connor's family wealth is not associated to my inherited wealth.

----Sept. 26th, 2019

4:The confusion about my money-spending-ship and my any paid-in-full service:
I assume, all police officers and law peoples, at least in the United States, would agree with me that any money lawful ownership confusion can only be resolved by calling the police to do the law investigation, or file a civil lawsuit.

I firmly believe nobody can replace the police on law investigation or enforcing laws,

and I firmly believe nobody can replace the Judicial court on clarifying the money lawful ownership's legal confusion.

----Sept. 26th, 2019

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The confusion if I am an heir to ancient Chinese Emperors

I am the anointed and biological heir to my ancient Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor 李世民:
  • I am the clearly anointed heiress who has  the family birthmark palms, 
  • I am clearly anointed by my recent generation grandfathers in their wills, 
  • I have the birthmark palms the same as the historically known birthmark inheriting rule of the ancient Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor Lishiming(李世民 )。
  • By DNA test result, I am the offspring of a known heir of the Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor 李世民。
  • 依据已知的确定为唐太宗李世民家族的胎记掌纹继承规则,
  • 我是由我的近代爷爷方智仁,曾祖父方立柒,和曾曾祖父方治兴(单人旁)等的遗嘱所明确指定的生有家族掌纹胎记的继承女。
  • 我的掌纹符合已知的历史上的唐太宗李世民家族的继承掌纹。
  • 依据DNA鉴定,我是已知的确定为唐太宗李世民继承人的李始玉(?)的血脉子嗣孩子。
  • 摘自:华人好奇:"方敏,司法部是如何核实你是唐太宗李世民的继承人的?“
---- 2019年12月12日。

My Russian name:
  • Eпоттекатерина Николаевна Рома́новы
  • Yelottekaterina Nikolaevna Romanov (English)
  • 夏洛特卡特琳·尼古拉维纳·罗曼诺夫(中文)
  • I am from my great-great parents Russian Prince George de Beauharnais and his Chinese wife Therese Petrovna (蔚蓉).
  • My great-great-great grandparents are Grand Dutchess Emma Petrovna and her Mongol Khan husband Ohnmor.
  • My great-great grand father's chinese name was 方治寓 or 方治兴(单人旁)。My great-great-great grandfather's Chinese name was 方麟玉。
----September 12th, 2020
My promised French name for my "French Financier" newspaper entitlement:
  •  Le Cé'BonLieaufé WAYA(â)N-YONOH (汉译:李·奢邦丽艾傲妃·完颜育(汉名:育靓丽)), An objective achieved French name, a combined name of my family names from my grandmother-side and my father-side (Lieu, Lee, and Fang), and my great-grandmother's maiden Jurchen Wanyan (完颜育) family I am a doroi of (a Jurchen Duke's daughter). 
  • The newspaper entitlement "French Financier" is to the company that has been invested by a Trust from my another ancient grandfather, a famous Chinese painting painter, who is over 700 years more ancient than the husband of my great-grandmother baile Wanyan-Yu.  
  • Photos of Qing dynasty Emperor I resemble.and related
  • I am Jurchen Duke Wanyan-Yu, the doroi beile Yu (10/20/2019)
My pleasant British name for my "British Financier" newspaper entitlement:
  • Narylhn Wohnmor (pron: Narin Wohnmor;汉译乌纳:年轻初阳时候的玉纶·乌玛), a combined name Narylhn is from my Mongolian grandmother's possible first name "Yuelun", Mongolian word "Naran" and "Hin". Wohnmor is from my Mogalian grandmother's possible Mongolian entitlement-family-name from her maiden-father Kublai Khan: Ohnmor (or Womo?).
  • The newspaper entitlement "British Financier" is to the company that has been invested by a Trust from my another ancient grandfather, Southern Tang dynasty Emperor Jing, who is over 200 years more ancient than Yuelun's husband.   
  • Paintings of Yuan dynasty Emperor  I resemble and related.
  • I am Mongol Narylhn Khan (* a little not certain of Yuelun's begiven name -10/20/2019)).
  • I use my name Narylhn Ohnmor from today. (--04/27/2020)
----August 26th, 2019

How resemblance can decide I am an heir to Chinese Tang dynasty Emperors, but can't if tor Chinese Qing dynasty Emperors?
  • Qing dynasty Emperors' photos are collected from publicly accessible internet. Tang dynasty Emperors' paintings are from a private collection of family portraits that I inherited together with Trusts.
  • I was born to the Tang dynasty Emperors' heirship line and an acknowledged heir by Tang dynasty Emperors' entrusting letters (each settler's letter). I inherited some Trusts set up by Tang dynasty Emperors on June 30th, 2004.
  • I was not born into the known Qing dynasty Emperor's household, but into an in-law's whose family has generations of intermarriage history with Qing dynasty royals.
----July 24th, 2019

Photos of Qing dynasty Emperors:
Prince Gong: 恭亲王奕訢 (Previously marked as Xianfeng Emperor (咸丰皇帝))
These photos obviously presented a northern man's roughness. This is also what I look like very often when I was in college, especially when I was tired or exhausted sitting around bathing in the sun with a blank look and shining forehead. This resemblance possible are all the reasons that so many same-college-graduated so eagerly to tell how ugly I was in my college time.

Kuang Hsu Emperor (光绪皇帝):
My obvious resemblance with Kuang Hsu Emperor has been clearly recorded in a 1996's photo which I used for my first-ever Chinese passport. Another 1982's or 1983's photo, with other four girls from the same junior high school, also showed this obvious resemblance but with a hint of the resemblance to Xianfeng Emperor that made it the reason of being the evidence that "I am so ugly". The resemblance displayed on that magazine's cover page photo is possibly the "so so look" in a lot of telling regarding if I am never a fairy tale beauty. If you noticed that my chin is obviously not a resemble chin, I heard I got my chin from an ancient Mongolian grandmother of mine.

----July 24th, 2019

Related confusion and explanation:

To all who are concerning:
Between 1850-1903, there were two sets of multi-ship groups sending out some treasures from China, I heard all experienced tragedies with theoretically no survival, and I heard some such sunk-ships have been discovered and have research papers published as well. Also, the ship-discovering organization is a Corporate which means it is a non-public stock company., Please verify this information.

My great-grandmother born in 1892 or so in Shanghai of China, her maiden Jurchen Duke family had lived in Shanghai area before 1541. My great-grandfather was (possibly) mothered by a royal daughter of Qing dynasty Emperor Hong Taiji (皇太极) and no other further roral marriage till his own marriage with my great-grandmother in 1911 or so.
我的曾祖母是1892年左右在中国上海出生的,她娘家在1541年之前就已经是是女真贝勒(公爵),也在1541年之前就已经居住在上海地区了。   我曾祖父的祖奶奶可能是清朝皇帝皇太极(1592-1643)的 一个女儿,之后我家就没有和任何清朝皇室后裔联姻,直至我曾祖父于1911年左右和我曾祖母结婚。

To all whose family name is Yu (育) :
  • If you are confused if being affiliated to Manchuria doroi beile Yu (满族旗人育贝勒), please use your family name in Tungusic Jurchen (Manchu) language to differentiate with its Chinese mandarin translation of Yu (育). My great grandmother's maiden family is Jurchen(Manchu) doroi beile Yu. I am sorry I don't my great-grandmother's maiden Jurchen family name but Baylor Yu is a very well-known Jurchen (Manchu) noble to Jurchen (Manchu) nobles.  (--updated on August 2nd, 2019)
  • My great grandmother's maiden family name, the doroi beile Yu's family name, in Tungusic Jurchen (Manchu) language, isWanyanYOYA-NORA (汉文:完颜·优育诺吒或wan'yan优育哪吒). (--updated on July 27th, August 2nd, 2019, 08/16)
  • Clarification:My great grandmother's maiden family name, the Jurchen (Manchu) doroi beile Yu (满族旗人育贝勒), is the Jurchen doroi beile of the WanyanYOYA NORA house(完颜育), not the Qing dynasty doroi beile of Aisin Gioro house(----updated on July 29th, August 2nd, 2019) 
  • Wikipedia: History doroi beile entitlement
  • Wikipedia: The Qing dynasty doroi beile Yu of Aisin Gioro house (清朝的豫亲王 ), this was the Qing dynasty Prince whose then entitlement-residence was sold to Rockefeller Foundation in 1915. (----updated on July 29th, 2019) 
  • Wikipedia: The Qing dynasty doroi beile Yu of Aisin Gioro house (清朝的裕亲王 )
----July 24th, 2019

My promised French name for my "French Financier" newspaper entitlement:
  • My French name: Mademoiselle Le Cé'BonLieaufé YOYA-NORA. (中文:李·奢邦丽艾傲妃·优育诺咤An objective achieved but may not yet perfect French name, a combined name of my family names from my grandmother-side and my father-side (Lieu, Lee, and Fang). --updated on July 27th, 2019) 
  • Updated my French name to Le Cé'BonLieaufé WAYA(â)N-YONOH (汉译:李·奢邦丽艾傲妃·完颜育(汉名:育靓丽)), to reflect the more appropriate family name in French: WAYA(â)N-YONOH (汉译:完颜育)----August 16th, 2019.
----July 24th, 2019

My British Name:Naryshn Wohnmor。 ( 发音:Narsh Womo)。

In Mangolian(蒙古语):
Naran (Sun,太阳) =》Nar;
Hin (Young,年轻)=》hn;
My grandmother's possible first name "Yuush(雅悠诗)" =》ysh;

My Mongolian grandmother is rumored to have given an entitlement family name by her maiden father Kublai Khan: "Ohnmar (Womo),(汉音译:“乌玛(乌莫)”)=》Wohnmar。

The meaning of my British name Naryshn Wohnmor: Young rising sun Yuush Ohnmar (Womo).


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Elements to recognize an opportunity to succeed

Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:
  • Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?
  • Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?
  • Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?
----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

About the famous JPMorgan Chase technology upgrade, the curiosities have been about if I did what I was asked.
  • I was asked to take a look at this bank's technology network as an outsider security specialist.
  • I did find out there is a security gap between securing physical access to money via internet money-transferring, and regular information security provided by the bank's technology department. 
  • I did help out upgrading the bank's security aspect in physical access to money via internet transferring, by establishing a quality mechanism to let physical access security specialists extend their specialty to include securing internet money-transferring access, with the technology department's help.
  • 09-07-2018 The Sweeping Change of Technology Upgrading in JPMChase 
----July 15th, 2019
About 3D movie Avatar, the curiosities have been about why those nonsense talks can be so valuable.
  • I recognized the frustrations expressed were about no available means to achieve the desired camera-images nor the special effects.
  • From my work experiences as a computer program on image processing, I identified all these frustrations can be helped by computerized image handling.
  • I did help out advising how to upgrade image-processing software for digital cameras as well as for digit editing tools.
  • This is the prelude of the customer-order quality technology in the famous JPM Chase technology upgrade. I was a translator between the movie-business and the digital camera manufacturer(s), and a customized-technology camera(s) ordering person in the conversation. (--added 08/07/2019 )
----July 16th, 2019

About Viagra, the curiosities have been about how I can contribute without participating in any lab work.
  • I recognized the frustrations were all about the known medical dilemma that blood vessels in the sponge area don't react according to the regular mechanism for blood pressure adjustment medications.
  • From my research experiences as a computer programmer, I realized this can be helped by re-consider the research hypothesis in order to isolate the area as an independent module.
  • I did help out advising how to develop some isolating hypotheses and related. 
  • The rumored public relation category reward is actually in the intellectual category, for the research facilities' commercial rental savings related.
----July 16th, 2019

About the radio program, the curiosities have been about how I won the deal.
  • I recognized the frustration as a listener that the U.S. radio industry has not much other than music playing. I also recognized the opportunity to save producing costs can be from if the deal can improve the turnover of available resources.
  • I realized an interesting, funny, inspirational and educational radio program to satisfy everyone's curiosity on how to achieve one's own American dream can be great as a popular alternative hotspot hour to iconic kinds of music.
  • I did provide the radio program's producing hypothesis as the following: Based on my life experiences before 2004,  and for the purpose to help the public audience to recognize THE opportunity to achieve success, this radio program would be produced with good story-telling, fun materials and reality practicality, to analyze the key factors of each success story, to introduce related backgrounds and related knowledge tips to the public, and to provide inspirational & informational ideas on how to catch THE opportunity as well.
----July 16th, 2019

About China, the curiosities have been what are my contributions to China's modern economic development.
  • Agriculture development in harsh geographic areas can be based on specially designed greenhouses.
  • Megacities' transportations can be improved via "the objective is being convenient and for the strategic development" in its architecture design.
  • Suzhou city's development can rely on its historic expertise of "manufacturing Shanghai design".
  • The objectives of geographic areas' strategic development can be "a characteristic economy with quality living".
----July 25th, 2019

About China, the curiosities have also been what are my contributions to China's overall.
  • Via the radio program, I introduced, to the world, the Chinese modern history to help the understanding of the Chinese Communist Party who took over the sovereign of China through cruel wars.  
  • Via the 2008 Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony, I introduced, to the world, the Chinese cultural history to help the understanding of modern China's characteristic political-economic developments.
----July 25th, 2019

以下摘自:《方家小姐扮作家 - 我方敏的成就究竟是什么?》
  • 2004年6月,我方敏是推动电讯业变革的手机智能化的主要决策关键性推动者之一;(即自2004年6月30日的会议结束,手机智能化已经没有了难以预料的科研难题,其后的变革实践中也没有难以克服的科研瓶颈。----2019年8月11日)
  • 2004年7月-2007年1月,我方敏是推动电脑行业从以发明为主的新兴工业转为有严格质量检测管理标准可以提供来客加工的成熟工业的主要决策关键性推动者之一。(即2007年我离开摩根大通银行后,电脑行业的成熟工业化进程已经没有了难以预料的变革难题,其后的成熟化实践中也没有难以克服的变革瓶颈。----2019年8月11日)
  • 电脑安全系统,我方敏是推动信息传导安全和银行系统安全的主要决策关键性推动者之一。1)自2004年1月以后,信息传导安全不光强调敏感信息必须保密安全,也加强了信息传导通道的保密安全;2)2007年1月以后,网络财经安全不光强调网络信息安全,也加强了网络金融安全。----2019年8月11日

以下中文摘自:07-25-2019 我方敏对中国所做的贡献究竟是什么?
  • 沙漠兴农依大棚,(即“沙漠兴农,依托农业科技特殊大棚”,--2019年8月7日增)
  • 地铁便民依规划,(即“城交城建,强化地铁规划便民新兴”;--2019年8月7日增)
  • 苏州加工依上海,(即“苏州发展,起步加工产业上海设计”,--2019年8月7日增)
  • 地域发展依配套。(即“地域经济,发展特色经济品质生活”。--2019年8月7日增)
  • 通过广播剧集,向世界介绍了中国的现代史,让世界理解了当年以战争夺权的中国共产党人;
  • 通过奥运创意,向世界介绍了中国的人文史,让世界理解了如今以特色立足的中国政贸经济。