All these companies have never been owned by Rockefeller holdings, nor any individual Rockefeller, nor any individual Rockefeller's any marriage partner(s).
----August 12th, 2019
To those who concerned what it means to me if I continually pissing off Rockefellers?
My answers are:
- I have never on any Rockefeller money or any other financial resources (ref: Note 1),
- I have never on any Rockefeller's recommendation nor invitation to have my professional or career success (ref: Note 2),
- I have never on any Rockefeller's charity to be an heir of my own long history Chinese birth family (ref: Note 3),
- and I am a free person who has never been ruled by any Rockefeller. (ref: Note 4)
Note 1: 《Three meetings in 2007 and related ‘if I inherited’ confusion》
Note 2: 《Elements to recognize an opportunity to succeed》
Note 3: 《The confusion if I am an heir to ancient Chinese Emperors》
Note 4: I have been enjoying my freedom of speech granted by the U.S. Constitution and I will continue doing my frankly talking as I have been.
Note 2: 《Elements to recognize an opportunity to succeed》
Note 3: 《The confusion if I am an heir to ancient Chinese Emperors》
Note 4: I have been enjoying my freedom of speech granted by the U.S. Constitution and I will continue doing my frankly talking as I have been.
Min Fang
A tip: How to verify whose money or who is the investor? One simple way is to verify from "stock certificate number" or the ownership registration record, which is the evidence of lawful investor-ship and lawful ownership of the linked dividend-profit, another way is to verify the signature from a holder of such certificate.
Rockefellers' insist-on claiming ownership of any U.S. money that I am expecting but without presenting such valid certificate nor such valid signature from holder family senior of such certificate has been my huge complaints.
----July 29th, 2019
If anyone curious about what exactly this article means, this someone's curiosity can be helped by asking an own friend in the attorney profession to help out the reading. It truly means my any money is irrelevant with any Rockefeller's any wealth, legally, financially and materially (April 8th, 2019). This is a lengthy article, but please ask your own friend in the attorney profession to read it entirely (April 25th, 2019).
Chronicle updates:
I was blamed for picking up on O'Connor name to have my own-wealth fight. This has been a misunderstanding. I misunderstood my Trust-inheriting as three companies inheriting was the reason for such confusion. The situation in 2016 was: I was aware one of such companies did send out $500Million as I requested in 2004 but somehow I could not receive it, and I was relentlessly trying to contact another such company's accounting representative to inquire my inheriting. So, it is most appropriate to say that I was triggered to have anxiety over the O'Connor name by if they invested confusion during the period of time when I can't get an answer for my inheriting-inquiry. ----July 20th, 2019
How I got the radio program can be best described as similar to the Harvard Business Case's famous IKEA model. I landed a leading National broadcasting channel, the best broadcasting and a rebroadcasting window, free & full access to a fully equipped recording studio, a ready producing, a ready supporting team and a ready promotion team provided free by the Rado company ----June 22nd, 2019
Widely shared negativeness about me in the entertainment industry is how I disappreciated the gentlemen from 2003's Hyatt Regional Hotel's reception lobby, especially after I got the deal of the radio program that helped me to be handsomely financially independent. It was well known that so many entertainment industry's personnel had turned-off on me after only $7Million in total for the radio program's possible investment was announced. I have to say I truly appreciate Mr. Hyatt's gentleman's kindness, and I am sorry that I failed such public expectation in expressing my appreciation. The different understanding between me and the entertainment industry was caused by what happened after that only $7Million in total possible investment was announced. That radio program deal was my successful hard-sale which was 100 % totally, completely and factually based on a very shrewd market segment analysis of the radio industry. This radio program deal was the deal made me the famous "a salesperson" entitlement inside the salesperson profession. All these were in the original meeting record of July 1st of 2004, all have been acknowledged by the radio company, and all have been protected by the United States laws. ----June 21st, 2019
以我2004年7月1日以成功的大规模创造投资就业机会而成名之前的生活经历,及我对生活中很多事物的想法和感悟为主线,介绍我得以成功的原因,基础和机遇,并扩充基本知识和背景常识的介绍,同时兼顾趣味性,生活感和故事性。Radio program's hypothesis: Based on the huge success of how I can massively create investment and employment opportunities on June 30th and July 1st of 2004, based on my life experiences before July 1st of 2004 as well as my understanding and thoughts about everything or anything in my life, to introduce what it takes to succeed, to introduce possible reasons, backgrounds and opportunities of my each successful creation of some investment and employment opportunities, to introduce related background information and background specialty knowledge that is useful in everyone;s daily life and helpful for succeeders to recognize and catch THE opportunity, etc,, with good story-telling, fun materials, and reality practicality.
----2019年6月11日, from
A Mr. David Rockefeller from the 2003 Hyatt Regional, not the bar person from the same the 2003 Hyatt Regional, needs to realize the bar person is at least a day possible to confuse anyone about if forgot Rockefellers' family education of "No Fucking, No money" so famously published already. So I say to this Mr. David Rockefeller of the 2003 Hyatt Regional, please stop confusing anyone if my money can be possibly associate with your sexuality after your marriage family's friendly bar person's story had been so loudly broadcasted. ----June 12th, 2019
It is very annoying when family-seniors don't educate youngers enough about how to know what is the family wealth. The good example of "so annoying" is Rockefellers' younger generation insisting on stating I dared to claim those five companies in this blog article has to mean the intention of taking over their family wealth, which can be proved to be so absurd because all these companies never paid ESTATE TAX for any of their seniors.-Some said my tone is very annoying as well, as if I am not their own generation but their uncles', I say why would it matter at all after all those "no association" announcements, but I can imagine my parents finally can breathe some easiness about educatable.---June 9th, 2019.
Heard the best way to know what is going on is to check out any edition of any author's <Trust law Textbook> from any law school for chapters on beneficiary's possible situation and how Trust laws have been evolved in order to protect effectively, which are the explanation of what has been going on word-by-word. 想了解什么是信托及信托法,最好的办法就是读一读法学院的《信托法教材》,想知道我的故事究竟是怎么回事,就读一读《信托法教材》里的有关“受益人的可能处境及原因分析”和信托法是如何演变的历史。据说我和我父母的经历就是《信托法教材》里每字每句的描述及说明为何《信托法》必须如此这般制定才可以有效保护。----May 28th, 2019
中国自己制定的继承法就是中国文化中国传统里面有关继承的道理,中国人民台湾人民依据中国传统地方特色与时俱进所制定的中国法律台湾法律就是依据中国文化传统的中国道理,信托继承在台湾在中国大陆在欧洲在亚洲,都和我在美国的信托继承是一样的法律。----May 12th, 2019
抗争法律权益?发动群众运动?改变社会制度? ---- May 10th, 2019
我方敏是从未参军且1996年离开中国后就一直居住国外的,我父亲方文海1956年就已经被中国的军事法庭裁决为开除军籍后就离开了中国人民解放军,谁是中国人民解放军的现役军人属于中国军法管辖范围?我方敏现在公开表态不愿意我本人被中国政府通过军事协作而谋杀,不愿意我父母方文海王博贤被谋杀,并且愿意看着司法执法机关可以公平的捍卫受害人利益。我方敏公开指控中国国家主席国家军委主席习近平篡党夺权,完全无视中国人民解放军是由中国宪法所规定的中国共产党领导下的军队,将中国人民解放军作为其私人武装力量,滥用职权协助卖淫,抢劫和谋财害命等中国法律所界定的刑事犯罪行为。(参阅:03-24-2019 南京方面的矛盾(22)---- 被开除军籍的处罚?我父亲方文海的中国陆军勘探兵坚强 )
有关预留分继承(legitimate, legitimate portion):
05-03-2019 (I) “至少应该有这么多“说法的起源
05-03-2019 (II) 究竟什么是预留分继承?
----May 4th, 2019
My 2004 inheriting was Trust-Inheriting which does not have any legitime portion (legitima portio).
爷爷为我设立信托是1948年以中华民国公民的身份在英国租界地的香港设立的,爷爷是在1965年才以中华人民共和国公民身份在上海去世的,我本人是2004年以中华人民共和国公民身份在美国继承该信托,我爷爷子女在1965年已经分家产继承了我爷爷方智仁的遗产,我爷爷子女的1965年分家产遗产继承及我本人2004年的信托继承都不涉及台湾的继承法。(04-29-2019 信托继承是没有预留分的,即使按照台湾法律,信托继承都是遗嘱完全有效的继承。)
----April 29th, 2019
Please don't be overly concerned if you heard the President of the U.S, U.S. Foreign Department, and U.S. Treasury Department have all announced negatively about if I could possibly have any money to be called lawfully private wealth. It may be just some confusion caused by arguments of "What exactly is the difference between the legal and other administrative components of a government?" to be announced as strong evidence of NO MONEY.
What about the Chinese government's announcement of "China doesn't need your type of talent"? I agree to the saying that it is hard to know unless it can be cleared from the U.S. about what is my type of talent that was told to China.
----April 28nd, 2019
If you heard confusing announcements about money matters as well as ridiculous romance matters, please read this article with the help provided by your friend who is in the attorney profession, and to address your confusion regarding such announcements to this attorney friend of yours.
Example: confusion caused by arguments of "what exactly is the definition of an investor" or "what exactly can be covered by a medical insurance plan" to be announced as strong evidence of NO MONEY.
----April 22nd, 2019
信托投资是通过财务经理所管理的投资组合,自己拿钱出来投资办厂开公司是属于自己直接管理的投资。洛克菲勒家族是带着钱从奥地利或者德国来美国投资的,洛克菲勒家族是因为投资Standard Oil 石油公司发了家,福特家族是从英国或者爱尔兰带着钱来美国的,福特家族是因为投资福特汽车公司发了家。如果“1941年的四十万美金”传言中的方智祥他们家当时带了这笔四十万美金来美国投资,就属于是这种情况了,也就是看他们当时投资的公司有没有发财了。我在美国的投资都是通过我所继承的信托进行投资和投资组合的,不是我自己直接带着钱来美国然后自己直接拿钱出来投资的,而他们都是自己带钱来美国自己直接进行投资的,所以,我一直说我所继承的钱及我的信托在美国的投资,与洛克菲勒家的钱以及福特家族的钱是完全不搭界的也没有任何关系的。----2019年4月21日
In 2017-2019, I have complained to the law enforcing agencies that Rockefeller name has sexually harassed me through the public channel media and through glasshouse cancer treatment-related medical facilities, I have complained to the law enforcing agencies that Rockefeller name has taken my radio company's major featured person fee of $3Billion - $4Billion entirely (avg $26Million - $35Million per month for 10 years). ----April 17th, 2019
The company's ownership confusion can be illustrated as: The Federal Commerce Department has instructed the Commerce Department Boston office to write payment-check for my living expenses because I am a Bostonian who has inherited a Trust that has some business dealing with the Federal Commerce Department, the ownership confused families thought they have owned the Commerce Department Boston office already and entirely because of their generationally close work relationship, while the Commerce Department Boston office speak-person kept explaining the paying-instruction was from the federal but the entire commerce department is not the payer of my living expenses. This is the same reason that my Trust's entrusting attorneys were very quiet when I was vertically multiplying objected by the entire Commerce Department Office line for the ridiculousness of my eligibility to inherit the Commerce Department Boston office on July 1st of 2004. And it is the same reason that the ownership of the Commerce Department Boston office can't be "picked up" by just writing it on any inheriting list, even if that inheriting list is affiliated to the famous rich Rockefellers. ----April 16th, 2019
I also heard a Rockefeller has illegally "announced" on the radio their own desire to spend my money on the radio in 2007's broadcasting. ----April 13th, 2019
可能也和2007年三次会议有关的 “04-12-2019 恐怖啊,以逼婚实施勒索的尝试”。----April 12th, 2019
Reference of my claimed five years providing paying companies are listed at the bottom of this article. ----April 11th, 2019
I heard my big trouble with Rockefeller name started since July 1st of 2004 but not because of my huge several billion U.S. dollars inheriting-day spending. I heard it was because a Rockefeller's name affiliated somebody has "inherited" that publicly famous "O'Connor's confusion company" almost immediately after O'Connors, as well as that American company's six upstream investor-companies, objected "my inheriting" in ceremonially monotonous style. I heard the reason for Rockefeller's-affiliated "inheriting" is "it is just a picking up" but Rockefellers' insisting on to validate such ownership, according to a forged inheriting-list, have made it not funny at all.
*This American company has a famous "French Financier" investor-company. (updated on April 14th)
*This American company's current size is about $400Billion. (updated on 04/16/2019).
*I have complained to the law enforcing agency demanding clarification about O'Connor's confusion, and I heard O'Connor name did the same, I have changed my inherited-it-saying after I heard the clarification that this American company has been lawfully owned fully by its British Investor company for over 400 years. (updated on 04/17/2019).
I heard another big trouble with Rockefeller name was a 2007's radio broadcasting which announced my first year's American paying company is a "Rockefeller's taking over". This is the company has the rumored my birth children's inheritable story but such story never has rumored any child "supposedly" from the announced "taking-over" Rockefeller. I heard this taking-over announcement has some foreign department's stubborn associations is the reason for all those headaches to everyone who has not heard such a 2007's announcement.
*This American company has a Portugal investor company. (updated on April 14th)
*This American company's current size is about $400Billion as well. (updated on 04/16/2019).
I heard two other big troubles with Rockefeller name were both because of their in-law affiliation. One is my third year's paying American company, one is my fourth year's paying American company, which have added rumored Rockefellers' "taking over" four out of my five years' living expenses providing. The fifth year's paying American company is rumored "taken over" by a Russian name, I have not heard rumors about how this Russian name affiliated with the money, this rumored Russian name has never been affiliated with me. This is not funny at all when I am penniless.
*One of these two American companies is an investor-company of NYC's Javits center, the other one has been Lehman Brother's investor-company. (updated on April 14th)
*These two American companies' current sizes are about $400Billion each. (updated on 04/16/2019).
----April 10th, 2019
Added item "2-1: The anger if I am the reason for those confused families lost their "confused family wealth"? " on 04-09-2019.
Three meetings in 2007 and related confusion
It seems that the big name R has a shared family habit to announce their own speculation as if an authoritative statement is THE reason for a lot of my troubles. I heard they "have been announcing" that I don't have inheritance since 2005, which has been almost the exact same way they have been kept announcing on the radio since 2014, as you heard from, all those official public statements from the big authority R houses about everybody else's all private matters, the only difference is those since-2005-announcements are not addressed to the public audience so that my inheriting related knowing-groups never even heard of it. This is the reason for why I have been complaining that it seems nobody needs to listen to my anybody's saying regarding if I have inherited my birth grandfathers' money no matter how credible this my anybody might be, which insulted a lot of people who have tried to explain the confusion as well as kept me screaming this entire time.
I say it aloud again: My inheriting has my own inheritable and own inheriting administrative attorneys that absolutely & completely independent from any R's family wealth. My Trust-inheriting is irrelevant to any R's wealth.
----April 5th, 2019
Heard 2007's three meetings have been reasons for a lot of confusions. I heard there were three meetings in 2007 (January, June, and July respectively) intended to address some confusion regarding 2004's three meetings but resulted in broadcasting original confusion only.
June of 2007's meeting, I heard it was all about confusion if my 2004's inhering can be valid:
1: How can an inheriting without any identification verification?
- My inheriting day was June 30th of 2004, my inheriting related identification verification was January of 2004, I was not asked to present my photo identification was because I was presented with the attorney in my U.S. resident immigration application attorney's office where all my identification (photo ID and legal documentation) were in records.
2: How can anyone inherit a company when being objected at the inheriting moment already?
3: How can anyone inherit without public known inheritable nor public-known inheriting attorneys?
My-side personal status prelude for that famous marriage discussion on July 1st of 2004:
I was 37 years old in 2004 who newly inherited some handsome Trusts-wealth that a family with an heir, some children, and a marriage partner(s) naturally became such a concentration in my life, but I was in a biologically exhausted health situation that sexually involved romance was not appealing at all. So, I participated in that discussion for the reason to have children in a (polygamist or not) marriage with one (or more) marriage partner(s) who did not have any biological offspring yet in 2004. To me being a polygamist, a man who already a biological child means a leftover male who is old and undesirable in considering seriously involved romance.
The reason for the comprised prenup became fundamental for that famous 07-01-2004 marriage discussion
Not willing to let any part of the own-wealth to be in risk of the possible taken-over was from all participants of that famous 07-01-2004 marriage discussion.
What I think what might have happened after that marriage discussion?
I don't have a clue about what might have happened after July 1st of 2004, but I am positive, which means not assertive, that I may have biological and legitimate children from definitely a factually virgin-father man that, in 2004, I was willing to be involved in marriage. The not-assertive is about if I do have a biological child or children but I don't think that is any public interest but my own private matter.
Do I positively look forward to reuniting with my biological children and the marriage partner?
That depends on if that is a marriage partner who only shares biological children with me and still in the marriage with his heart. To me, marriage means a willingness-based responsibility, relationship, and exclusive inside-marriage sex (when I am healthy enough).
How long it takes for me to be healthy from my current health situation?
I have already asked law enforcement's help to free me from possible sexual harassments of any party that intended to maim my biological nature appearance, to compromise my health, to take over my wealth, to replace me from my possible marriage, or to destroy my way of living my life.
----March 16th, 2019
My understanding of all those financial confusions:
If confusions are about if someone's lawfully-owned money, this someone should have no need to commit any crime in order to get this lawful money when laws-help are already available all around,
If the intention is to get not-lawfully-owned money, this someone is also not privileged at all to commit any crime without being prosecuted as well.
----March 17th, 2019
January of 2007's meeting, I heard the clarification included:
* non-staff means employed but not on the payroll, similar to college's honor professor, sit-in professor for the semester(s), faculty, staff, etc.
I heard anger illustrated in July of 2007's meeting was regarding why the Chinese government tolerated a nobody in the U.S. military's name to insult the Chinese government?
Reference of my claimed five years providing paying companies:
I heard the five years paying companies' upstream Trust-investors have been:
- On June 30th of 2004, I was being objected the eligibility to inherit several U.S. companies, but my 2004's inheriting on June 30th of 2004 was actually Trust-Inheriting which should not involve any specific business investment company so that those objections in 2004 to against me inheriting those companies were irrelevant to my Trust-Inheriting.
- All those companies, who expressed objection on June 30th of 2004 as mentioned above, have never been owned by any Rockefeller name, nor any Ford name, nor any Walton name. ( reference link of how to verify a company's lawful ownership --updated on 04-03-2019)
- It is rumored there were other inheriting events on the same day of June 30th of 2004 as well. All were irrelevant events because each had different wealth to be inherited and each had different inheriting administrative attorneys groups. Family inheriting normally administered by attorneys who are known to inheriting families. (--updated on 04-03-2019)
2-1: The anger if I am the reason for those confused families lost their "confused family wealth"? (--updated on 04-09-2019)
- The efforts have been on clarifying that, according to company registration historical records and commercial registration laws, those objecting companies are not part of the wealth of those confused families, which means those confused families historically never own those companies so that they never lost their "confused family wealth".
- The efforts have been on clarifying that, according to Trust laws, Trusted wealth is beneficiary owned wealth since the date of the establishment of the Trust, which means a company-ownership confusion is not the reason for anyone to "take over" such already owned Trusted wealth, which is also according to Trust laws.
- The efforts have been on clarifying that, those confused families did not lose any of their family wealth because of my birth nor because of my Trust-inheriting.
- My 2004's inheriting was a sole beneficiary person's Trust-Inheriting, my inheritable was some Trusts set up by some of my birth Chinese grandfathers, so no reading needed.
- My Inheriting attorneys are those Trusts' entrusting attorneys who have no reason to be known to the public because of the nature that my Trust-Inheriting is a private inheriting event.
- My financial providing have been paid-out on time as decided schedule already presented to the public that my 2004's private Trust-inheriting was a valid inheriting event.
- Due to the private nature of inheriting, a signature is not the deciding factor in validating wealth inheriting after financial wealth's lawful ownership is already lawfully factually validly transferred.
- I entrusted my newly inherited wealth to June 30th of 2004's same entrusting attorneys' groups. I expressed my willingness to entrust my newly inherited Trusts on the same inheriting day which was June 30th of 2004.
- My financial providing have been paid-out on time as decided schedule already presented to the public that my 2004's private Trust-inheriting was a valid inheriting event.
My-side personal status prelude for that famous marriage discussion on July 1st of 2004:
I was 37 years old in 2004 who newly inherited some handsome Trusts-wealth that a family with an heir, some children, and a marriage partner(s) naturally became such a concentration in my life, but I was in a biologically exhausted health situation that sexually involved romance was not appealing at all. So, I participated in that discussion for the reason to have children in a (polygamist or not) marriage with one (or more) marriage partner(s) who did not have any biological offspring yet in 2004. To me being a polygamist, a man who already a biological child means a leftover male who is old and undesirable in considering seriously involved romance.
The reason for the comprised prenup became fundamental for that famous 07-01-2004 marriage discussion
Not willing to let any part of the own-wealth to be in risk of the possible taken-over was from all participants of that famous 07-01-2004 marriage discussion.
What I think what might have happened after that marriage discussion?
I don't have a clue about what might have happened after July 1st of 2004, but I am positive, which means not assertive, that I may have biological and legitimate children from definitely a factually virgin-father man that, in 2004, I was willing to be involved in marriage. The not-assertive is about if I do have a biological child or children but I don't think that is any public interest but my own private matter.
Do I positively look forward to reuniting with my biological children and the marriage partner?
That depends on if that is a marriage partner who only shares biological children with me and still in the marriage with his heart. To me, marriage means a willingness-based responsibility, relationship, and exclusive inside-marriage sex (when I am healthy enough).
How long it takes for me to be healthy from my current health situation?
I have already asked law enforcement's help to free me from possible sexual harassments of any party that intended to maim my biological nature appearance, to compromise my health, to take over my wealth, to replace me from my possible marriage, or to destroy my way of living my life.
----March 16th, 2019
My understanding of all those financial confusions:
If confusions are about if someone's lawfully-owned money, this someone should have no need to commit any crime in order to get this lawful money when laws-help are already available all around,
If the intention is to get not-lawfully-owned money, this someone is also not privileged at all to commit any crime without being prosecuted as well.
----March 17th, 2019
January of 2007's meeting, I heard the clarification included:
- 1: Eligibility for a veteran status is enlisted after a full year.
- 2: A researching non-staff military strategist only has commanding power when on assignment.
- 3: U.S. uniform personnel cannot be hostility to the United States nor the banking industry
* non-staff means employed but not on the payroll, similar to college's honor professor, sit-in professor for the semester(s), faculty, staff, etc.
I heard anger illustrated in July of 2007's meeting was regarding why the Chinese government tolerated a nobody in the U.S. military's name to insult the Chinese government?
- I did not attend July of 2007's meeting, I did not attend any of 2007's meetings.
- The rumored insulting was about what I said regarding the Chinese-Japanese war, and confusion was based on the fact that war was an invasion to China. I was only expressing my understanding about that war from the aspect of war strategy. The talk was never a deny regarding that war was an invasion to China.
- I am a birth child (possibly an heir) from the famous Chinese Emperors of Tang dynasty was acknowledged since 1989 by a lot of historians from a lot of Chinese colleges.
Reference of my claimed five years providing paying companies:
I heard the five years paying companies' upstream Trust-investors have been:
- The first year's settler was Tang dynasty's Emperor Xuanzong(唐玄宗李隆基), at about 1300 years ago. The known heir of the Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong(唐太宗李世民), both featured in those published paintings which were copies from the digital version of those original ancient family portraits.
- The second year's settler was painter Zhang, Guotao(国画大师张国焘), at about 800 years ago. He was a famous painter in China, one of whose paintings was discovered with the royal collection stamp that cost all his non-heir children been prosecuted by the Emperor of the Song dynasty. I heard this painter's private (royal) collection stamp is identified as the same or characteristically same to the royal collection stamps from the Chinese Tang dynasty and the Chinese Southern Tang dynasty.
- The third year's settler was Southern Tang dynasty's Emperor Yuanzong (南唐中主唐元宗李璟), and at about 1000 years ago.
- The fourth and fifth years' settlers were father and son. The father was Tang dynasty's Emperor Wenzong(唐文宗李昂) and the son was Tang dynasty's Emperor Wuzong(唐武宗李瀍), at about 1200 years ago. These two Emperors are historically known heir-grandsons of famous Chinese Tang dynasty's Emperor Taizong and Emperor Xuanzong.