
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

Featured Articles

Friday, May 26, 2017

05-26-2017 About O'Connor families' confusion(中文)

Heard this morning's broadcasting about O'Connor families confusion, I will explain in English and in Chinese. 中文也在此页(听说了今天早上中国政府的中文谩骂)。

1: The father of first generation Senator O'Connor did not cash his representing attorney's paycheck for some time. That is O'Connor families argument of savings.
My response: First generation Senator O'Connor cashed all his and his father's savings.
Attorney O'Connor, father of first generation Senator O'Connor had been working with about 400 staff of the fund all his time representing the fund. His not-cashed salary had been recorded in company's(fund's) accounting book that entire time. His son, the first generation Senator O'Connor cashed it together with first payout of Mr. O'Connor's agreed upon providing.

2: First generation Senator O'Connor was asked to run Senator to serve United States was the reason of this agreed upon providing. This agreed upon providing is now in process of stopping because Senator is no longer a no pay public post.

3: The confusion of one representing attorney's salary saving can take over the company.
My response: It is impossible.
First of all, the company(fund) had been in America for 200 years already and employed 400 staff when first generation Attorney O'Connor from O'Connor's family started representing, even his salary may be very high, he was not CEO and his salary was not 400 times higher than any of his colleagues.
Second, Attorney O'Connors'(father's and son's) salaries were no comparison to the agreed upon providing size. Even today, Attorney O'Connor's attorney income is no comparison to the size of this agreed upon providing by representing my other fund which is about the similar size. My current providing size from this fund is bigger than entire O'Connor families historic "agreed upon" providing size.

4: O'Connor families never denied the company(fund) is my ancient grandfather's money 

5: Heard someone demand of this money for good cause even if it takes government's power.
My respond: This demand should go to US government if it is to benefit US citizens in general and in need of government's power to achieve.
 My lawful interest and my lawful rights, as US citizen, are under sworn protections of entire US government, that is every single government official and every single government employee. My freedom as US citizen, including my freedom of my own thoughts, is under sworn protection of entire US military that is every single enlisted in Uniform.
----May 26th, 2017

有OConnor 家族的困扰:



3: 有关在美国一份律师的工资存下来可以吃了所就职公司的困扰。

4: O’Connor家族从未否认也从未企图否认也不可能否认基金是我爷爷钱财。

我本人作为美国公民的合法权力和合法利益受到整个美国政府的宣誓保护, 是每一个美国政府官员和每一个美国政府雇员的郑重就职宣誓誓言。
