
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, May 6, 2017

05-06-2017 (4)

昨天广播剧提到有个波士顿华裔女子坚持要给David Petraeus 生个孩子。这可能就是因为2004年19岁的她也在会议现场,有男方裤裆所有权。听说她2004年之后只在2016一个午餐聚会场合见过他一次。听说因女方坚持不退缩让男方连惊带恐诉诸法律解决。我是直接笑出声来。

听说David Petraeus 确定我是他绝大部分惊恐,或是全部惊恐的根本原因。就是没闹明白怎么回事,我是忍不住的笑。

Head the Chinese female mentioned on the radio program last week who insisted to have a child with David Petraeus was presented in July 1 of 2004 as a teenage actress when she was 19 years old. That is probably the reason she felt she already own his romance. Heard after 2004 meeting, she only met him once in a luncheon gathering. Heard he was horrified by her insist on persistence to have a child together.

Heard David Petraeus identified I am the ultimate source of most (if not all) of his horrors, just not sure how。I just can't stop laughing. ----May 6th, 2017
I am doing this correction here: The ultimate source is the 2004 meeting(s). They were participants in that meeting(s) saw or heard prominent people is the reason. Meaning: they participated meeting established this kind of "association" to claim the ownership of prominent.  ---- May 6th, 2017.


还有什么华女也嫁了一个叫Charles Ford 的或是也叫Charles Schnieberg 的,就认定只要是个名字叫查尔斯·福特或是名字叫做查尔斯·施利伯格的就是她丈夫。不知道这是从哪来的混淆。
