
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

05-17-2017 (2) Speculations and Alerts

This Is To My Own Attorneys, My Own Accountants and My Own Business Representatives:
Please check if this is possibly true and if so, please check accounting related software signature verifications and any software that need signature verifications.
----May 17th, 2017

Heard Jessica, announced lawfully registered wife of David Petraeus, is a 5-Star-General in US military. I was like how? Not that I know anything about her capabilities, but how by sense of timing.

1:Heard she was a recording room personnel without any star or General's rank till, at least, July 1st of 2004 meeting.

2: Heard she was screaming " I fire you", "I am a Lissettee" and "I am his real woman", etc. in IBM in 2007. Heard she signed or provided a signature to let a human resource staff fired a human resource manager without herself (Jessica) being employed.

Some said she was authorized by company's Board of Directors.
I say it is impossible. Board of Directors only responsible to represent investors to hire/fire/layoff CEO. It is CEO's responsibility to form CEO's own management team.

3: After IBM, heard she was, as announced on the radio program that she herself produced,  in Duane Reade AKA Walgreen Pharmacy Company, etc. She moved to Clear Channel radio company in mid of 2013 till now.

4: Some said she works as CIA related.
I say it is impossible. CIA works abroad. FBI works internally. FBI do not work with Military other than Marshalls (Military Justice system). I never heard Military Marshalls can get promoted remotely and in such speed.

5: If she is indeed a 5-Stars-General. I would speculate she manipulated human resource computer software. Meaning? Promoted by updating computer records with her own signature or her own provided.

6: How? The signature has to be authorized and has to be verified.
My speculation: By computer technology, just omit verify step in software can certainly make this miracle.

7: But the rumor there is only one person's signature, not random.
My speculation: This one person's name with signature image can be hard coded. With this person's signature verified, human resource software will ignore authorized person's signature. Once this pass, human resource software will update all related promotion package to make a 5-Stars-General promotion.

8:Heard scary rumors that Jessica can just walk into any business to fire anybody.
My speculation: The scheme is in a popular human resource software definitely.

9: Some say I must be very jealous to say all this.
I say it is also very scary if my speculations do make sense. "I am being jealousy" sayings only make it inappropriate for me to tip FBI. So I didn't but post it here.

----May 17th, 2017