
Three elements to recognize if it is an opportunity to succeed:

1) Can you understand the frustration expressed during the conversation to identify the possible causes of the frustration?

2) Can you identify if you can offer some help from your knowledge, experiences, and expertise?

3) Can you effectively communicate your expertise to be understood as possible helpful solutions?

----Min Fang, July 10th of 2019

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Saturday, May 19, 2018

05-19-2018 Boston's Chinese Supermarket C-Mart and Residential Kensington Palace (波士顿的中国超市和肯辛顿宫居民楼)

05-19-2018 Boston's Chinese Supermarket C-Mart and Residential Kensington Palace (波士顿的中国超市和肯辛顿宫居民楼) 

Heard this morning's broadcasting of Chinese Supermarket C-Mart in Boston City(中文附后).
My response: Most likely, all four were on the conference call on July 1st of 2004. Plus, there were other from another major Boston Chinese Supermarket, a joint-venture with C-mart (平价超市). I can imagine what was the shock when they were informed I am such a "fake" right after that conference by Chinese Foreign Department. But another C-Mart's joint venture "Jiahe Supermarket"(家和) did open in 2012 or so as well-expected after 2004, at the corner near the same famously expected newly-built "Kensington Palace(肯辛顿宫)" residential building.

They were the people might even have seen me counting my fingers and how I was interrupted "Is that 5 enough (male underwears)? by Chinese diplomats, and how I obviously not satisfied by only 5 fingers. Well, what happened was I was counting which grandfather in China, from how many generations ago, had blessed me this handsomeness locally in the United States. So far, the American Fund company has been operating on the America soil for 400 years already, 5 generation only covered about 200 years. Obviously, 5 fingers were not satisfying enough.

Yes, I heard this American "Pejoves" Fund is a co-investor of these Chinese supermarkets was the reason a Miss Jessica Pejoves told them I was never a Ford woman this morning. This is the Fund has been paying my $10,000 a month providing upon its British Investor's instruction since I was born in July of 1967. My father-side eldest cousin was born in the mid of 1964, and my younger brother was born in the mid of February of 1969 were the reasons of this morning's broadcasting of July of 1964, June of 1967 and January of 1969's accounting record of this monthly payment.

It has been smooth whenever I went grocery shopping in the past, so, I am not concerned what it will be like after this morning's broadcasting those yellings from the four brothers who own the majority of C-Mart supermarket chain: "I hate this Chinese woman Min Fang in Boston's local Roxbury area."

Also, it was mentioned on July 1st of 2004 that my first cousin would be in "Jiahe Supermarket" to learn to run his own company. He has been in the grocery business since 1992 or so and has a very successful career as an independent agent representing some big foreign investors in Shanghai were the reasons for that conversation. That discussion never meant to make him a CEO or the Investor Owner of "Jiahe Supermarket" but sort of a "visiting trainee".

I currently seldom go grocery shopping is because of my health, I still feel tired and need to lie down often. And I seldom go luncheon out because of the same reason. I often make do with porridge and throw-in some meat and vegetable. Ya, I need to pay attention to my nutrition. And I am still on Food Stamps.😃

----May 19th, 2018


他们有可能还亲眼看见了我在数手指时是如何被中国外交部吓阻,问我“5个(男裤档)够不够啊?”, 而我还真是明显一副意犹未竟的态度。我的解释:当时是我在数一数究竟可能是由我的哪一代远在中国的爷爷能够给我这么一份在美国当地的丰厚投资。现在知道了,这个美国基金公司在美国这片土地上营运都已经有400多年了。5个手指头就只有5代爷爷最多也就200年左右啊,很明显是不够的。

对,我听说了美国“Pejoves”基金公司是这些中国超市的投资人之一,这是为什么这家的一个小姐Jessica Pejoves 今天早上会对这几个中国超市老板说我从来就不是什么福特的女人。就是这家美国Pejoves基金公司按照其上级英国投资公司的指示从我1967年出生就每月支付我一万美金的生活费用。我父系的大表哥是1964年的年中出生的,我弟弟是1969年2月中旬才出生是今天早上播出这每月一万美金生活费未在1964年7月及1967年6月支出而在1969年1月就已经有该支出财务记录存在的原因。



